The one who represents and wants to keep our Democracy, that would be Biden!

Biden is Democracy and that’s what I’m voting for all up and down ballot

I never said anything about a President who shouldn’t or doesn’t need experience to be President.I was responding to what you said. It’s too early to have a circle conversation about something that’s clearly not going to happen. Have a good holiday.

She wouldn’t duplicate anything he did. Even without her not having experience, she’s got a brain and wouldn’t try to destroy the country, big difference.

His Presidency should be whipped clean. Every SCOTUS that was appointed under him should be removed.

This won’t matter to them but this information should should still be everywhere so everyone can know about it.

People are so freaked out over Biden crap debate but I will always vote for Democracy and that’s where my vote is going, all up and down the ballot. Countries with Dictators all have 💩economies and I’m weird, I like to make my own decisions when it comes to my life. I don’t want to be told to believe in religion, what religion and what I can and can’t do with my body and I want to be able to get my SS when I reach that age.

The fact that we have to think like this is fucking ridiculous and something can’t be done. This isn’t just their country it’s ours and we shouldn’t have to put up with threats of violence.

Giving it to Putin, that’s his plan. He’s said it more than once in a round about way.

I know and even at a watch party in Atlanta, right after the debate he was better.