The experimental vaccine that dramatically and demonstrably reduced all-cause mortality after it was released?

Do you have stock in a coffin company?

Goddamn luddites will pull everyone down with them.

There isnt enough alkaline water in the world to neutralize these assholes.

That's like 12 steps for lurch. Combined.

He also wrestles (or wrestled) and has done some alpineering.

He aeems to be quite the renaissance man

Did anyone see the "silent" fireworks they showed on NBC?

That seems like a pretty fair compromise, if we dont go to drones.

The central dogma right now



We also should not look to DD to play down the middle.

Patches' montreal days are done

Matt menard might bleed easier than dustin

I knew it I knew it That son of a bitch is in no good!

There are lots of conservatives who dont support........

Cat's got their tongues?

How many conservatives have come out against trump (aside from Christie who has disappeared after the primaries)?

None. That's how many

Is he as big a douche in private as he appears in public?

Or is it all a grift?

(Think Phil hartman as Regan in the SNL Iran contra skit)

What I cannot believe is that the morons in the GOP think that the goddamn new york post is somehow associated with the truth.

I reiterate what Tony said " what does that have to do with me?"

A horse walks into the bar "Why the long face?"

Agreed you are not fucking around You are a fucking sociopath

I think that yes, they should. The problem is that they won't because they think that trump will either win the election and they can seek retribution on their political opponents, or as the backstop, Biden will win and the corrupt supreme court is waiting to declare everything that Biden does as an unofficial act as Trump once again says the election was stolen.


The supreme courts insistence that acts performed by democratic presidents are unofficial and all acts by republican presidents are, defacto, "official"

The quotation marks were not by chance

You dont understand that why he's a toady?

Or you don't understand that ann coulter said, publically, she liked his policies but would NEVER vote for him because of his indian surname?

Both are demonstrably true.