đź‘‘ Bad, Boujee, Unbothered đź‘‘

It looks soooo uncomfortable and tight and dry. It reminds me of the (luckily mild) sunburn I got a few weeks ago when I went on an 8 hour long whale watching tour. There were so so many humpback whales that I got distracted and forgot to reapply my sunscreen 🤣

đź‘‘ Bad, Boujee, Unbothered đź‘‘

I know they’re both filtered but exactly. In the first picture she just looks like your every day average looking woman. And I don’t mean that as an insult, I’m average looking too, the only thing that stands out about me is my hair. If I saw before picture MS out in public I wouldn’t bat an eyelash. After picture MS though I’d be wondering wtf was wrong with her skin.

đź‘‘ Bad, Boujee, Unbothered đź‘‘

She looks worse in the “after” picture lol.

đź‘‘ Bad, Boujee, Unbothered đź‘‘

They’re SO BAD. My brows are way overdue for a microblading touch up but I can’t afford it at the moment and they don’t look nearly as bad as this.

House of Wolves. It’s been House of Wolves for the past two weeks.

đź‘‘ Bad, Boujee, Unbothered đź‘‘

The only reason my travel laundry bag is no longer a kitchen trash bag is because I bought a suitcase that came with a laundry bag lol

đź‘‘ Bad, Boujee, Unbothered đź‘‘

It’s wild to me. Granted I live somewhere where I don’t get to swim a lot (SF Bay Area, the water is just too cold)but I do travel to places I can swim and I’ve bought one swimsuit in the past few years. But it’s a nice one and very flattering (black 1960s style one piece) so I feel no need to get another. Why does she feel the need to buy so many?

1234 Griftwood Lane

She never ever really vets the music she uses in her videos. She used a song by The XX (a VERY secular band) in a video about only listening to Christian music. She’s incredibly stupid.

I have had such a hard time with the routing when it comes to teaching toddler skills in a house with more than one story. The toddler will get stuck at the top of the stairs, blocking any other sim from using them and then the sim selected to do the potty training or teaching to walk can’t get to the toddler. When this happens I just end up using master controller to have the toddler learn the skill.

Cats disappear in the snow too. I was playing last week and was like “wait, why is the snow taking a nap?” Put the game in build mode and it was just one of the cats deciding to sleep underneath all the snow.

Oh that sucks. I haven’t played ts4 in a while (I’ve got Baldur’s gate 3 brain rot) but this is one of my favorite mods :(

Oooooh I see! Wearing sunglasses last week while being on a boat for 8 hours is what caused my (very mild) sunburn! Not the fact that I got distracted by all the whales that I forgot to reapply sunscreen. Odd how I didn’t get a sunburn while on Oahu wearing those same sunglasses because when I was there I was diligent about reapply sunscreen. It’s almost as if this is complete BS.

I remember seeing something about that but it’s a bit different with sims games (besides the OG The Sims) and BG3. With BG3, unless you use mods, you’ve got the same 6-8 faces to choose from and you cannot edit those faces. Even with mods, you can’t edit those faces either. In Sims 2, 3, and 4 there are sliders. So (and my apologies if you know this I’m not trying to be condescending) you choose a basic face from the available options and then edit it to your liking. Change eye/nose/mouth shape, edit cheekbones and jawline etc. Very easy to make sims that don’t all look exactly the same. I originally started using mods in BG3 just to have some different options for faces.

People made me feel disappointed I did my makeup and it didn’t look like that when I was in my 30s. Don’t feel bad.

It’s probably because I’m not rich but I just don’t get that. I’m guilty of owning way more pairs of shoes than one person needs, but I’m a shoe person. But they all get worn. Some definitely not as often as others but that’s because things like knee high boots that lace up the side like a corset with a 5.25 inch wedge are for the goth club, not every day wear.

  1. Sims 2 came out the day after my 21st birthday.
Precious little Bhaal-babe

Good talk little buddy. I’ve beat the game on tactician mode though.

Precious little Bhaal-babe

With mods I bet you can. With the vanilla game no :(

Precious little Bhaal-babe

I’m having those three plus Minthara on an evil playthrough right now and damn it’s fun. I’m doing an embrace durge playthrough and I’m just winging it.

I like both but come on. U!A literally tells you he loves you before you fuck on his grave.

Precious little Bhaal-babe

Except for one thing, you can play durge as a goody two shoes

Precious little Bhaal-babe

I got similar but it was with Shadowheart’s spirit guardians still active. Accidentally killed him with one of those. Whoops.