At least it’s over lol. Excited to see what he can do!

We also had Matt Stafford, AJ Greene and Knowshon Moreno. That’s my point though. The jersey color doesn’t matter and Kirby knows that and isn’t going to introduce something that at best has no effect and at worst will likely only serve to hype up our opponents.

More likely he remembers how gimmicky it was when bama came in and beat our ass since he was part of that coaching staff. Probably just sees it as a distraction that won’t provide any on field benefits.

I have no verifiable source but I would be a little surprised if Best Buy employees don’t get some kind of commission.

That subject aside though, they aren’t by default experts on home theater equipment. From reading your post, it sounds like you’ve done a lot of independent research and I’d wager you probably know more than that guy does about the specific setup you’re going for.

Don’t let some Best Buy nerd sway you or up sale you when your mind was already made up.

CPA (US) Sick of Footing Joe Walsh's Hotel Bills

Eventually this will be an issue. Early on in your career it’s fine as long as you can explain why you switched so often, but if you don’t eventually hit the 3+ year mark, you’ll likely start to have trouble climbing the ladder. The first several years of my career went:

Tax: 1.5 years. Didn’t like it and wanted to try audit

Audit: 1.5 years. Didn’t like it, figured it may be different working for a company vs being their auditor.

Internal audit: 1 year. Turns out audit just sucks.

Financial reporting: 4 years. Finally found the niche I enjoy.

Financial reporting: took a promotion and huge pay increase. Been with new company (F100) for just over a year.

Changing jobs was more about me finding what I like as opposed to jumping because I was bored or underperformed. Pick up a few references, tell a good story and you’ll be okay. Just make sure to show you have the intent to stick around and grow eventually or nobody will want to waste their time hiring you.

Nah all good! Would’ve had to eat it for anything bad to happen 🤢

CPA (US) Sick of Footing Joe Walsh's Hotel Bills

I would not because remote work is the kind of thing that can be promised and then taken away without a moments notice.

My condolences. Until you develop a special bond with a dog, people don’t realize how hard it is to lose one. I can tell he had a great life and was a good boy. Glad you got to experience a special meal together. We’ll see them all again someday, I truly believe that. Angels may open the pearly gates but it’ll be the dogs that are first to greet us.

Not to hijack OPs thread but I’ve also never cooked a brisket on the egg. Up until recently when I got my egg, I’ve always used a Weber Smokey Mountain for brisket.

I can fit a lot more charcoal in the bottom of that than I can in my medium egg. Do y’all find you have to add charcoal for a brisket or if you fill it up will that last a solid 10-12 hours?

Slightly unrelated but this is also the reason getting anything in 8K is a total waste of money. Barely enough 4K content in the sports world as it is.

CPA (US) Sick of Footing Joe Walsh's Hotel Bills

You’re an accountant my friend. Unless you get to be a field agent at the FBI, you won’t be doing anything much more glamorous than you are now. Certainly won’t be anymore exciting at the IRS.

My advice? Work to live. Find some hobbies to spend that money on. Don’t go and fuck it up by trying to find an exciting job as an accountant. We don’t get exciting jobs. We get to make enough money to have exciting (subjective) hobbies.

CPA (US) Sick of Footing Joe Walsh's Hotel Bills

Do you work for a railroad by chance? I don’t think they pay FICA.

CPA (US) Sick of Footing Joe Walsh's Hotel Bills

If you get your CPA and play your cards right (aka job hop 2-3 times), you’ll be making more than that dude ever will in about 5-7 years and the sky is the limit from there.

I work over 40 hours probably 12 weeks out of the year and I make 150K at year 7. In 10 years, if I just get 3% inflation adjustments I’ll be making over 200K when I’m about 40.

But please tell me more about why I should take a job working outside cutting grass and salting roads the rest of my life.

It was around the 4 month mark.

For us it wasn’t so much regression as it was teething. Can be hard to tell for sure when teething is going on but a little Motrin at night and he was sleeping through the night again. Maybe something to consider.

Have mine sitting on a paver stone and never had any issues. Wonder if the heat is playing a role? Wouldn’t think that’s enough weight to buckle wood like that but you never know.

Like most things in life, you just have to find a balance. You shouldn’t be taking hundreds of photos a day but you’ll also be sad in a few years when your kid is growing up if you only take a few here and there during this stage.

Definitely don’t throw them away man, I’d love to buy one from you if you want. Have the 2021 and 2022 cans but not those 1980 ones.

Thanks so much! Yeah between the higher costs, slightly higher rates and difficulty finding a builder who even has capacity we may be staying put for now.

6 week mark for us. I get the anxiety but that’s also what baby monitors are for. Personally I slept much better when we moved our son to the crib, even when he was still waking up some during the night.

Been a hot minute since this thread was active but hoping your account is still active and you see this OP.

In the example you give, I get that the land counts towards the down payment but how does that change the final loan amount?

Your actual mortgage balance would be cost to build + closing fees less the cash to close right (500 +14 - 23 = 491)?

Even with modern surgery techniques and physical therapy being what it is, major surgery on both knees is the sort of setback that not many people fully recover from.

I just don’t see how he plays full seasons in the outfield after this. Or steals even 40 bases in a season again. Devastating injury.