yo i swear to god i have a problem because i CANNOT send a message shorter than three paragraphs. like genuinely it angers me so much when my brain can’t think of anything else to say that i start describing the sky and the surroundings JUST so i have exactly three paragraphs 😭

Not written poorly and just realistic:

  1. any kid. seriously guys. you can’t expect CHILDREN to murder in cold blood and have the survival skills of bear grills

yeah but he was in love and he wanted to protect bonnie 😔

broooo damon WISHES he could be like enzo

man i have a whole ass routine. when the camp was at shady bell, i’d make arthur sleep early in his own little room and relax, but now i just make him rent a room because i can’t stand the thought of my boy being uncomfortable 😔

“i love your confidence” maybe more backhanded than weak, but i feel like it’s such a lazy way to compliment someone 😭

yeah you’re right, i guess i just don’t like werewolves in general

no worries this post is mostly satire anyway

y’all are just jealous of his talent, beauty and kindness (incredibly satire)

i’m sorry i respect your opinion but in what world is tyler more interesting than matt?? i mean, even though i like matt i’m not gonna argue that he’s a bit plain BUT TYLER?? all the tyler scenes i remember are “👺 raaah uncontrollable werewolf rage at the smallest inconvenience

you’re trippinnnnn matt is better than tyler

considering i spent 10 minutes trying to decide between elena and bonnie, i feel like i don’t deserve being compared to julie 😡😡😡

i mean yeah i agree with the way he treated caroline, one of the reasons i hate tyler as well cause i feel like he was an ass as well in season one BUT i would argue that matt did the opposite of using vampires for their abilities. my boy just wanted a normal life 😔

i would argue it makes me even more trustworthy than normal BECAUSE I’M NOT AFRAID TO BE DIFFERENT 😃

wholeheartedly agree. i was talking to a friend about it and they were so repulsed i actually thought i was crazy but mannn i feel like it would’ve been such a good couple

i can’t tell if i’m getting downvoted because this trend has been done too many times or because matt donovan is in my top 5