Its all about controlling the battlefield. If Geth are people, then Dominate is just AI Hacking for Organics.

It'll get ads funded and media coverage then. And that will help save our democracy.

You want to save the world? Make it profitable.

Haven't used Engineer on ME2, but I have beaten ME3 on Insanity with Engineer.

The name of the game is power recharge.

By limiting yourself to 2 weapons and choosing power recharge most every time, you'll be using your powers every 2-3 seconds. With Combat Drones and Sentry Turrents being your 4th and 5th squadmates, you can keep all the bad guys off of you, and you'll still have a quick enough recharge to throw out an Overload, Incinerate, or Cryoblast whenever an enemy does get too close.

My go to strategy so far after importing a save is max out Liara's Singularity. Then I spend every fight zapping shielded enemies with Overload, getting three at a time. They then float helplessly and I unload my assault rifle on them or send up an Incinerate. Overload is pretty crazy on everything that isn't armor too. Unprotected enemies collapse thanks to the neural shock upgrade.

Garrus is also invaluable. Not because of his God Mode, but because of his Armor Piercing Rounds, his extra Overload for me to use, and his Land Mine, which is basically an unlimited grenade that always hits and hurts armor.

Sabotage of course turns Cerberus turrets into a joke. Along with any environmental shields.

I also use the bonus power Dominate from the Leviathan DLC. Giving me a 6th squadmate to turn the enemy side into a clusterfuck. Especially if you want to count Tali's Combat Drone as a 7th squadmate and the hacked Cerberus turret as the 8th squadmate.

:Khione: Child of Khione

Well that's something at least.

Stay safe with that hurricane coming.

:Khione: Child of Khione

Do you at least own a cowboy hat?

Mai might have known how to navigate the Fire Nation Royal Court better, but Jin was hotter with a better haircut.

Definitely. Though I'm hoping to Platinum the Legendary Edition soon. At the very least get the Insanity III achievement.

Well Engineer has its Combat Drone for taking the pressure off you and Overload against shields which is the most common type of extra health that enemies have in ME2.

Infiltrator has its Tactical Cloak that makes enemies instantly forget you exist while you line up a headshot from a good position.

You either manipulate the battlefield as an engineer or you snipe from a safe distance as an Infiltrator.

You can get access to Sniper Rifles at midgame. Since Engineers only get SMGs and Pistols to start. Infiltrators get Sniper Rifles, SMGs, and Pistols. You can also choose assault rifles or shotguns at midgame instead of Sniper Rifles.

The day will come when I play female shepard and she will have eyes for one squadmate. I promise you that.

Maybe they could have levels where you cannot select your Elcor squadmate. Or parts of a level where if you had picked the Elcor squadmate you have to leave him behind until you finish fighting through the vents and open a door for him.

Conversely, if you bring along your Volus squadmate, he can provide a unique support by entering vents that no other squadmate can.

I'm not even romancing him. I just want to talk with my brother from another species.

Me in ME2 every time Garrus tells me he is in the middle of Calibrations: LET ME LOVE YOU, DAMN IT!

I want to say Engineer, because I am a Combat Engineer in these games. I'm here to fight.

What the Hell? Captain Kirrahe is a GOAT. Don't trade him.

Hard to be a rebel when the system gives you more ass than a toilet seat.

Because that Presidential Immunity is only for Republicans. That's why they didn't specify what Offical Acts of a President are.

Someone in the Church really should have explained to Asta what a Nun's Vows of Celebacy means.

So then what you are saying is that we need to vote this November?