yeah, shows you how many dudes don’t see women as people because they think with their dicks first.

oh no, her reddit career prospects…… lol.

yeah, i’d reverse into the spot with my passenger side as close as i could get.

is the same as the ratio

you mean the difference?  if it were a ratio of the victim’s age to her age, she would only be serving 0.53 years…

reminds me of the original Super Mario Bros. movie from the 90s.

bernie sanders literally got his first win by just ten (10) votes… after a recount.  this was in the 80s, and he was elected mayor.  it wasn’t his first time running…

it’s kind of pathetic how even a candidate like bernie sanders couldn’t motivate left-leaning individuals to come out.  no wonder candidates continued to shift right in the following decades to court more reliable blocs of voters.

but man, imagine modern political discourse without bernie sanders in federal office for the last couple decades?  voting really does matter.

true story: one my former city councillors almost because the Vice President of the United States.  like… it was really close.  some of you may know him by name as he was our mayor, our governor, and now serves on the U.S. Senate (tim kaine).  those we elect to local office are those who run for federal office the following decade.

that’s the right and the safe thing to do: move over to the right.  not enough people keep right (except to pass).  the worst folks are those that go slowly in the middle lane(s) forcing cars to either queue up on the left or pass unsafely on the right.  i’m big on keeping right (except to pass) and letting those that want to go fast do so in a straight line to my left where i have the most visibility.  those that force faster drivers to change lanes and drive unpredictably (because let’s face it, they’re not suddenly slowing down) are the ones really causing hazards and jams in traffic.

then get off of reddit…?  go to the original site rather than the one that’s a leech monetizing other people’s content.

i bet you buy directly from local farmers instead of going to the grocery store too, huh?

you’ve been voting?  data says voter turnout for your age group is pathetically abysmal.

it’s no wonder we are where we are today…

the mods probably have a million things to do and don’t always catch everything.  good community members report the post so it can be brought to moderators’ attentions.

have you reported the post as breaking a rule?

these pricks have been around well before the internet.  look at how men treated marilyn monroe…

she asked what she could do, and your response in context reads exactly as i interpreted it.

it’s also not on women to stop living their lives or going out in public because of the patriarchal foundation of subjugating women on which society was built.  those of us willing to build a new, egalitarian foundation don’t need those who aren’t telling those looking for options that it isn’t in their interest or worth their time.  scaring women into silence because of the risk of existing as a woman is something an abusive man would do.

advice like this is what allows offenders of sexual harassment and assault to become repeat offenders.  why are there always people telling women to keep quiet when it comes to entitled and/or creepy men?

that’s some real ugly-on-the-inside to be showing and sharing so openly…

every single one of those “issues” is what sounds like a “their” problem.  imagine taking such poor care of your body.  i fucked up my toenail and have the decency to cover it with a fun band aid while it heals so no one has to see it when i respectfully take off my sandals in their home.

i put up a hammock recently.  sunset with a joint is my favorite time of day.

got caught up in

some of the crazy shit was literally her idea.

a month?  i don’t look necessarily enjoy fashion as a hobby.  when i buy, i try to buy from sustainable brands; and i shop when there’s necessity or an occasion for which to shop.

the last time i spent money on clothes was just before Christmas when i went to meet my partner’s parents for the first time.  before that would have been around three years ago when i changed jobs from an office to a manufacturing environment.

i use these services when i want it to take three times as long as it would have taken me and when i want the lingering scent of a chainsmoker who smokes in his car all over my food.

i.e., fucking never.