Cold works better for me as in: walk barefeet in the snow for a few minutes. Also deep massages. Avoid these LIKE THE PLAGUE during the day: energy drinks, sugar, coffee, alcohol, weed and any substance thats meant to change your energy levels. Keep a good sleep schedule. That one is annoying because if you dont sleep enough, youll get a flare up ehich will keep you awake which will lead to a flare up etc.

And don't try to not move your legs. If they need to move, move em. Keeping yourself still only makes it worse.

It wont take less than a couple of days for your legs to get back to normal but on the positive side: it wont take more than a couple of days.

Dans le fond leurs comparaison est pas valide pentoute

J'aimerais vrm lire les stats sur les villes les plus adorables au Canada.

Unfortunatly, it's been my experience that in life, real knowledge is behind a paywall (schools and university etc). Unless you're talking about experience.

Honnestly I'm disapointed everytime I go anywhere else.

My Brother My brother and Me which is an "advice" show for the modern era with three brother. I've been listening to that one for over 10 years. Lol.

Chosen Family where three queer people just chitchat. Its funny and uplifting.

I like Not Another DND Podcast but just the DND court episodes where they put people on trial for their crimes against dnd.

And I really loved Alice Isn't Dead. Its like a horror story/podcast where this trucker tries to find her missing girlfriend. Really spooky/paranormal type stuff.

I feel like this post has aged me.

I'm too curious. I wanna know how the story will go.

I think you're right. She prbly doesnt know. Ill mention it.

That really sucks. I'm sorry that happened to you. I feel like that's unacceptable. I don't know how mentally healthy people cope during stressful times like that but my mental health is very shaky and can get rly bad. And I'm pretty sure I'm not the only person trying to get through this degree with mental health problems. I don't understand how this is acceptable.

But I work during the next day and she gives me more work during the day. I think you're right. I should ask the school.

This is so nice, it's making me want to go camping

It's because sugar is a carb! I stay far away from sugar too. The only thing worse than sugar is alcool but that has a lot of carbs too. Sometimes I will have sugar but it has to be really worth it.

c'est temporaire. Ils se cherchent un nouveau coin pour faire un nid. Ils vont bientôt s'en aller lorsqu'ils vont se décider sur un emplacement.

This is interesting because for me its carbs. But a lot of the carbs we eat come from wheat.

Is there a good way for me to ask for less work during my internship? Externship

Is it okay for me to ask my supervisor for less work or to tell her I will only work during work hours? I work over 8 hours a day, 7 days a week. We go back and forth on emails and she knows I am working late at night. She tells me things like: I never asked you to work from home. But she also says things like: I need this done by tomorrow (right before we leave for the day). Is there a good polite way to remind her that I'm a person and even thought there are technically 24 hours in a day, some of those need to be spent tending to my basic needs like showering, sleeping, making feed, cleaning my clothes, walking my dog etc? This is my last internship and the other supervisors have usually been really careful to only make me work during work hours but maybe I was just lucky? This is a long internship and I don't want to get off on the wrong foot. It's my first week with her and I can already tell this is going to be terrible.

I feel your pain, I've had to borrow one from a med student. Apparently the school just gives them rly good backpacks that can hold a mini library.

SLP Graduate Student

Is it okay for me to ask my internship supervisor for less work? I work over 8 hours a day, 7 days a week. Is there a good polite way to remind her that I'm a person and even thought there are technically 24 hours in a day, some of those need to be spent tending to my basic needs like showering, sleeping, making feed, cleaning my clothes, walking my dog etc? This is my last internship and the other supervisors have usually been really careful to only make me work during work hours but maybe I was just lucky?

I'm really happy to hear that. It sounds like the situation with your family is nightmarish. I wish you the best and I hope you're able to leave soon.