Constitutional Conservative

The PF tiki protest in cville, the one next to one of my favorite restaurants I might add, turned out to be a bunch of demorats.

Constitutional Conservative

They lacked honesty, integrity, and have ruined lives by lying to the American people.

Constitutional Conservative

As much as I'd love to, I don't have time to read 900 pages of something which will likely have zero impact on my life. Have you read it? Im guessing most people haven't read it at all, and only read articles framing it one way or another. Per the usual bs.

Constitutional Conservative

but it adds extremely unconstitutional ideas to it.

Such as? Curious.

Constitutional Conservative

On X someone AI generated a photo of Trump with Epstein, we knew it was AI generated because Epstein had no legs.

Many lefties shared it because they have shit for brains.

Well, that is a huge red flag, keep your MIL away from your kid.

Constitutional Conservative

Probably won't need one anymore because we'll no longer be known as the "land of free shit" anymore.

Constitutional Conservative

We need independence from the federal government. Time to strip it down to the bare metal, the bare minimums. Screw flat tax, or any tax, zero federal income taxes.

Constitutional Conservative

Democrats, the party that excludes men but is also trying to turn women into men.

Constitutional Conservative

Biden could literally be sleeping during a meeting and not a peep.

Yup, this has already happened.

Constitutional Conservative

As if they had any before, they lost all journalistic integrity. For once people on the left saw Biden uncut, finally exposing their audience to the shit show that Biden is.

The lefts news cycle is carefully curated to bring about a false reality. While the right leaning news is also guilty of pushing false narratives, those are the exception, not the rule. People on the right also tend to take in more news from the left, party because Apple, Google, and Microsoft force it through everyone's throats whether they want to or not.

Or use sites like and remove all blinders!

Constitutional Conservative

Lmao, a shit doctor apparently doesn't know shit. What a surprise!

No filters, set iso to 100, shutter speed should be between 10-30 seconds. You may need to experiment a bit to get your exposure right. I personally haven’t used my action 4 for stars as i have pro equipment for that.

Constitutional Conservative

Dude, the left has said every election they lost was stolen for over three decades. The evidence of fraud in 2020 due to mail in ballots keeps piling on, but nothing is ever done about it because the judges are leftist hacks.

Constitutional Conservative

I will sponsor a leftist to leave and ruin another country.

Constitutional Conservative

If he can't run for president, he can't BE president. Where are the calls for the 25th?

Constitutional Conservative

Good. Kinda wish I was let go. Never answered my boss as to my clot-shot status. Thankfully the company removed the requirement after the supreme court ruling.

Constitutional Conservative

Racist gonna racist! Democrats are stuck with her lmao

I'm a RE photographer and drone photography is just a small subset of what I do. Of course I was there with permission, the owner let me in her house, though her dog "Buddy" wasn't fine with it until I gave out some pets. My parked car was not visible from the road as the home had a decently long driveway.

When I do shoot vacant lots, I wear a high-vis vest and in general more alert to my surroundings while flying.

That's what really stinks about the VLOS rule, as it often requires you to drive down private drives to get closer to the property. Placing you and your equipment in more danger. (Yay expert class making dumb rules!)

I was parked deep into the property shooting a house, no one could see my car from the road. Drone work is just a small part of what I do. I flew once I was done with my other work and left shortly after, the encounter happened as I was leaving the area in my car.

I've seen this video, maybe some hacked dji firmware will come out to allow a modification. I've also seen a broadcast module which broadcasts fake drones and pilots at random locations in the area.