I'm going to take note of this and might try it shortly.

I don't know, but unless I had an alternative to use, I'd keep my mouth shut and buy whatever it is i needed and not spent a cent more than that.

I am not a fan of making politics a big part of one's personality (we get it enough here in Australia, but not any where as much as the USA) . However I find, being so devout to someone so blindly misleading is one hell of an off-putting thing.

My son is ten and still does it from time to time, still very cute, just not "baby" cute.

I love this software. Free is great, but paid is worth the effort of buying for the extra versatility it offers for sifting through network shares

Just remember that when there is a warning label or sign not to do something, it is there because at least one person has attempted to do it and had consequences because of it.

Most? look at how well the two of Hammond, May and Clarkson handled it being alcohol free in their Mongolia episode of "The grand Tour", answer, not very well.

I was honestly surprised at how much of an issue it was for them, but then again I can walk away from alcohol for a year and not care, or down a couple of beers and feel reasonably the same about it.

Well the term "gay for pay" is a term used often in the porn industry, so there's that.

I know I'm dating myself slightly here,but when I worked retail they had a tape deck connected to the pa system in order to play music. I don't know who made the default mix tape with the Christmas music, but I did not miss the two months of that 90 minute tape looping that started from November 1st.

On a positive note, the boss was open to bringing your own mix tape in any time of the year, but it had to be both inoffensive (so no NWA or Metallica) and Christmas - ish if in that two month window.

It wasn't that bad I guess, but the repetition still got to me.

Same for me and my entire family. I hope to hell that this remains the status quo. I'm not going to say N95's in public saved our asses or not, but it sure as hell had to have helped.

It's a simple desire, but it seems so unreachable thanks to simple changes that do3 many refuse to do or are unable to fit one reason or another.


Absolutely. I stopped briefly when there was a brief reprieve here in Australia before things went totally caddy wompas and have been making up in public ever since.

I'm sick of having to do it, but I'm more sick of seeds of division being sewn by politicians and the media and so many selfish assholes not doing the right thing & the rule changes basically forcing people face first back into it even if they want to do the right thing .

She should have had a plan b like a friend or other family member if she knew he was going camping and there was a chance he could be out of range it his phone went flat. Even if he could get reception, he may well be far away enough from home that things could have easily have escalated rapidly by the time he gets home.

You are paying to get cable, they shouldn't be able to double dip and serve you commercials too.

I was thinking about getting it, but I've got more than enough subscriptions already. Kayo is the newest and the final straw for streaming for me.

It's nowhere near as bad at this but shortly after I turned 40 I pulled my back muscles getting out of bed. I did not do the school drop off or pick up that day. Fortunately it was a Friday so I could recover over the weekend.

When I was a kid one of the other students jumped out of his parents car as they were pulling in to drop them off. He misjudged badly and fell flat on his face and had his right ankle run over. We didn't see him for a couple of months as he had to have some fairly serious ankle surgery after that.

I had that recently and it turned out to be a message from a sub I'm subscribed to. For some reason it wasn't visible in bacon reader, not when on the website default inbox, but was when I went to the messages tab. It cleared after that.


Well where I am the default policy is usually if a car is written off under an insurance policy that you take out, the ownership is transferred to the insurance company so that they can pursue disposal of the vehicle to recoup as much of the value as they can. The vehicle is then put on a write off register and the VIN can no longer be re registered in that state, possibly nationally, I cannot recall which.

Other possibilities are:

  1. You can opt to purchase the car back at the assessed write off value by a proportional reduction in your payout figure if you decide to, but that is your choice alone, not the insurance company (they can also refuse to do so at their discretion, but as they "get" their money, they usually have no reason to do so) . The VIN is not put on the write off register at this point and once assessed as repaired, can be re registered, ownership is retained by you.

  2. Another possibility is you can take out a policy whereby they never get ownership in the case it is written off (think an unique or vintage vehicle that cannot readily be replaced with a like equivalent). You retain ownership and it is not put on the register.

  3. If you are a third party covered under insurance by someone else due to their accident then as the insurance company has no prior agreement with yourself, they can only pay you out the repair costs or the maximum value they deem appropriate and you retain ownership of the vehicle. The VIN is not put on the register.

That is how it is here at least and I was generalising based on the an insurance policy taken out on the asset directly. .

Edit, numbering formatting is messed up for me, no idea if correct, but I can't figure it out

Well just like writing a car or other vehicle off, you should no longer have access to it or on this case, no legal means to gain any money from others using it or restitution for third party misuse of the works.

Should. They want their cake and to be able to eat it too.

I'll agree, The lyrics aren't great. But I really enjoy the hooks in the music. That being said. I've always had trouble with being able to clearly hear the lyrics on music if I don't really concentrate on the words so the theme of the song didn't bother me for a long time.

Fortunately nutbush city limits was only played once at our wedding. I don't really like the song, but there were plenty of tipsy people dancing to it, so it mustn't have been that bad.

I'm around there myself, but as much as I think music made up until I finished school had a lot of good numbers (and some rubbish ones), I would be definitely limiting my enjoyment of music significantly if I set a cut off date for music I was willing to listen to.