Didn't jealous Kenya downplay ALL of Kim Fields' achievements? 🤔

Sag here--Pretty Woman, Dazed and Confused, Steel Magnolias, Clueless

Please Pardon Me (You Remind Me of a Friend)

My grandma had this recorded on VHS along with Cat's Eye right after. I might have broken her tape from the amount of times of watching and rewinding.

This speaks to me on so many levels. I'm not saying that I never cry, but I don't just cry openly at any given moment. I'm not just some open faucet lol. I can cry from blowing my top, which happens about once every couple of years. I tend to withhold my emotions until I can't. As you said, I'm good at repressing my emotions. I've cried at funerals. I cry during movies with sad or happy endings (I'm a sucker for a good happy ending). Sometimes, the lyrics of a song can make me teary-eyed.

OH, the last time I cried was during my last birthday when my husband surprised me by flying 2 of my closest friends out to celebrate with me. I had absolutely no idea until they suddenly walked thru my front door. I was a mess. Generally, since my birthday is 9 days before Christmas, everyone is too busy with the holiday to make time to celebrate with me, let alone fly out to see me. So, yeah, that moment meant a lot to me.

How many Sags do you know that you're basing your research off of?

Rose Madder was better than average for me.

I'm the same way--either complete disinterest or holy hell I have a problem lol.

The best sex I've had was with a Virgo.

I took me damn near my entire life to learn how to stop being this person. I still slip every once in a while.

I don't care about you enough to try. I like him. I like his movies. And that's really all that matters to me.

Sag sun down!

I still haven't learned.