Apple just got around to adding a calculator to the iPad. Don’t be left in the dust, Adobe!

The year is 2024 and I still cannot align a stroke to the outside of live text.DISCUSSION

The absurdity that this incredibly basic feature is still not implemented is off the charts. What the fuck is the hold up?

Yes, I know several workarounds (add a stroke in the appearance panel and drag it below the characters, or make a graphic style with an outside-aligned stroke and apply it to text) but fuck that. Adobe is the "industry leader" and they can't manage something that's been present in other "lesser" software for decades?

Monkey in Space

This is bigger than Trump. They’re ready to roll out shit they’ve planned for decades. They never dreamed they’d get so lucky to have such a popular useful idiot like Trump to help usher in their policies, though.

He’s admitted to going into the teen girls’ dressing rooms. He was good friends with Epstein and Casablancas, two disgusting creeps. He has said creepy disgusting sexual things about his own daughter. It’s well past time to stop defending pedo shit like this just because he’s your guy.

Monkey in Space

Project 2025 is mostly about reducing the size and power of government agencies.

And vastly increasing executive power and installing a Christian theocracy, essentially. You can be for a smaller federal government without handing the keys to what amounts to the American Taliban.

Monkey in Space

What a lying cunt. He knows these people intimately.

Monkey in Space

Rogan's on a quest to have every right-wing lying shitbag on his show as is possible, isn't he?

Monkey in Space

He's a faux-progressive that sides with the far right on everything. I knew he was a fake piece of shit when he started going on Tucker Carlson years ago to shit on AOC and other congressional progressives because they wouldn't "force the vote" on Medicare for All, which wouldn't have worked anyhow. He's a cunt.

Monkey in Space

Fuck this guy. He's a far right cunt who likes to masquerade as a "progressive".


SS: Anyone willing to ignore the very obvious fixation Trump has on teenage girls is willfully ignorant. Read this piece and try to keep your lunch down.

One of the girls on the boat was Shawna Lee, then a 14-year-old from a small town outside Toronto. She recalls how the contestants were encouraged to parade downstairs, one by one, and dance for Trump, Casablancas and others.

Manhattan in my parents’ apartment just before my first birthday.

Monkey in Space

That guy must love his wife very much. He can barely keep his hands off of her!

I think he’s brilliant, but everyone has their own tastes.

I thought I was writing in my diary app. Oops!

Might as well ask “How do you feel about a rattlesnake in your sleeping bag?”

Monkey in Space

Can they legally if the case was dismissed? I mean, I can say Trump raped children all day with no repercussions, but if it’s put in an ad does that open them up to defamation charges?