Depends on how far back I can see. Can I only see the fourth track switcher? Or can I see all five?

If I can only see switcher four, I would probably make the easy decision. But if I can see further back, I would recognize the pattern and not pull, to avoid a situation with a sixth track switcher and more bodies.

Shotput - Still Woozy - 03/22/2024

Say Less - MAX - 01/19/2024

Billabong Babe - Royce Fisherman - 03/13/2024

I was taught that the point of the trolley problem was that it was not an easy moral quandary. That to sit there and pull the lever yourself, to be physically responsible for the death of a person, was a difficult thing to do.

Yes its logical, but it isn't "the easiest moral quandary imaginable" which is why when the follow up is "pushing the fat man off the bridge to save five" or "the surgeon killing a man to harvest his organs for five others" or "the person on the side with one is your best friend/parent/child/spouse," people are even less likely to pull the lever, even tho its the same exact logic. Humans are often not purely logical. It feels wrong push someone off a bridge, to kill someone for their organs, or even to simply pull a lever, even though it's logical.

I would have loved to have this conversation around primary season, however, as a florida resident, the democratic party decided not to let me.

In an alternate universe in which FL did get a primary, I would have voted for Jasmine Sherman (if you haven't heard of them, I highly recommend their website, or uncommitted, as many have in states like Michigan and Minnesota.

It's no secret that because biden won't step down from the nomination, other politicians such as gavin newsom or kamala harris will not speak of running. Not that they are the most progressive, but they are at least younger. I have not heard any democratic politician publicly suggest that he should step down, let alone pressure him.

I will most likely vote for biden, but that's despite my hopelessness, not because he inspires a great deal of hope. I'm lucky i even live in a swing state (well for now, its FL)

Its important to keep fighting - it's demoralizing to read posts about the end of our way of life - but we need to make sure we aren't fighting doomerism with delusional positivity. I've seen a lot of well intentioned people on this sub saying "actually, biden is doing alot, and we need to vote for him to save democracy!" Which is lying by omission. Yes, vote for biden, but no, he is not doing enough. He is not fulfilling many of his promises, either because he can't or because he won't.

I support mobilizing people to unionize and protest, as well as voting down ballot and in local elections. When we overstate biden's track record and capabilities, however, this is counterproductive and results in people tuning us out. It fuels doomerism. The fact is that itll take more than even the best president to fix global warming, homelessness, and poverty. Its going to take systematic change.

I guess the issue I take with these comparisons is that democratic politicians want to constantly compare themselves to republicans. And yes, they are better than republicans. However, when its brought up that they do not fulfill promises (either because they promised more than they could realistically do, or because they refuse to use certain methods) they insist they are better than republicans. Which is true, AND not what an apathetic voter is taking issue with.

When bills are stacking up, and a presidential candidate promises to help with this (in areas such as housing, student loans, medical bills, etc) and does not fulfill on the majority of these promises, it does not inspire hope to hear how much better they are than the republican party. An apathetic voter isn't choosing between Biden and Trump, they are choosing between Biden and staying home. It's not logical, but it is the reality.

I hope that makes sense - my reason for this conversation is to hopefully help people who are passionate to convince others to vote for Biden understand their audience.

It would be amazing - and I think if he's serious about wanting to be reelected, he'll do it.

I don’t want a president who will try, I want a president who DOES things. It is nonsensical to me that when republicans are in office, they can enact so many of their policies, but when democrats are in office, they are constantly being stopped. This dissonance is felt by voters and its how you get the voter apathy we're seeing, especially among leftists. Its illogical not to vote for biden as a progressive, but people who are hopeless and utterly depressed do not do logical things.

That's why I'm criticizing the OOP. GenZ voters are old enough to remember kids in cages rhetoric during Trump. They know they're still making student loan payments that cripple their ability to save. They know that the last time they got their hopes up, they were shot down. Hearing the same promises with no change in plan, no new action, is a stab wound to the chest. We need to give them something to believe in.

Any plans by biden to do anything about that in his second term? With the recent scotus decisions, it would be very popular to have literally any plan to reform the supreme court! Especially once we start seeing the effects of chevron being overturned

"There are plans" is much different than "it has happened"

He promised student loan forgiveness. "For over a decade" we're in the GenZ subreddit, please put two and two together

I think voting locally especially is really important. A lot of change happens there, more than you'd think. Find out whats happening in your neighborhood and get involved

Another point on the list is massive student loan reduction. Which is also something that has not happened. And not what he promised.

I think people should vote for biden. I think lying about how great he is sows further resentment toward the democratic party.

I don’t have the money. I wish i could. I want out of FL

It would be more convincing if it were honest. Biden does not want amnesty for immigrants

I've always said less is more. "I will be unable to work on Friday. Best regards, PatientPrafait" is all you really need to say.

As someone who has struggled with guilt regarding leaving jobs as well - consider that if you were hospitalized- or some other incident occurred, they would have to find a solution that didn't involve you. If they could do it in that scenario, they can do it now.

If propaganda wasn't successful, the government wouldn't invest trillions in it. Saying its an easy choice undermines reality. Perhaps it is an easy binary choice for you, but for others, they need convincing. They need an explanation of why they should give the guy who didnt deliver on roe, or student loans, and keeps funding the genocide, and whos old as fuck... a second term. They need to be explained why a third party vote isnt the right move. They need to be encouraged to vote down-ballot.

Calling people stupid makes them dig in their heels. Impact > intent is all I'm saying

What I am saying: if you want people to vote for biden, calling them stupid and ignoring their grievances is ineffective and borders on counteractive.

What I'm not saying: don't engage in politics.

Naw I'm gonna ignore all that and say all the apathetic people are like that cause they're stupid and dumb, AND THEN I'm gonna keep calling them morons. That will get everyone on my side :) /s

Unprecedented things do happen.

Can you explain why a third party will always have a ZERO chance of winning in a way that does not resemble a large circle? The arguments I usually see boil down to: third party can't win due to lack of support, so you shouldn't try gathering support because third party can't win due to lack of support