If I found a 3060 12GB for cheap then I'd go for it. But I'm not trying to run at 4k, so YMMV.


I have the same GPU but a worse CPU and I generally get 30-40fps at 1440p using high settings. I also set TLOD to 150.

I imagine your ultra wide is too much for the 2060 to handle. Even at 1440p it's really in the verge of not being enough. You could try DLSS Quality setting. It might look too blurry for your tastes tho.

Has Nick fixed state saving yet? Or is it like his other planes where it sort of only half works? Do the avionics talk to each other? Or is it like the Caravan where the GTN750 loads the flight plan while the GNS530 beneath doesn't?

Nevertheless the Dukes look like great planes. Not sure it's the type of plane I would fly much tho. I prefer low and slow.

What about the Logitech software? Does that have some sort of binding. It's definitely a binding conflict. Your rudder pedal is obviously acting like a throttle.

If it helps I have exactly the same specs and an RTX2060. Pretty old GPU. I can run the game on high settings at 1440p and get 30-40fps most places. However I don't fly airliners so YMMV. So either of the cards you suggested should really be getting around 60fps I imagine.

Yeah, I just remove the 530 nowadays, after getting tired of looking at the empty flight plans (ugh).

I wish they'd bloody fix that tbh. Only annoying thing about the Caravan / BlackSquare.

Yeah it definitely won't be ready. You gotta wait for that tendril to basically go dry imo, at which point the leaves will be yellowing too. Watermelons are hard to judge, but better late than early imo.

somehow know when they hit the perfect ripeness and immediately rip into them.

They got a better sense of smell.

Unlikely. If anything the grass would be greener where people piss.

NZDN to NZQN or vice versa is quite good for small prop.

Climate change today is caused primarily by global warming. Heat records out pace cold records by twice as much. So while it isn't entirely about being hot, that's the main trend.

Pretty sure the art is behind glass. I don't think these protests have ever actually harmed any of these classic art pieces.

I flew in Germany yesterday to practice my IFR in the Caravan. It was a grey soup the entire flight. Kinda boring tbh. Not sure why I did it lol.

Sounds like you have the motion axis mapped to pitch. Unmap it.

They are quite different aircraft. The Asobo one is made by inibuilds. I have a few inibuilds aircraft and tbh they don't leave the hanger very often. I feel inibuilds aircraft look and sound great but aren't very inspiring to fly. It sounds like the new Skyvan is similar in that regard.

On the other hand the Blackbox Islander I have is one of my favorite planes in the sim.

It's probably BlackSquare's worst plane tbh. It feels very twitchy to hand fly. A lot people prefer the free Bonanza G36 improvement mod in terms of flight dynamics - but obviously that's a G1000 cockpit. That said the BS Bonanza is not a bad plane and probably the fastest high fidelity single piston. I would personally rather fly their Cessna Caravan tho, as that flies beautifully. I know you didn't want turboprop but I would argue engine management is still on par to a piston. You can very easily damage that PT6 engine.

I personally would pick the Comanche though. It is expensive. But nothing yet matches it if you want a plane you feel like you own. It cruises at about 150kts GS and the older avionics mean there's plenty to do in flight.

The turbo charged version of the JF Arrow might be worth a look at too?

Every group flight I've done has been 2hrs

8hrs in a Pitts? What possessed you to do a long flight in an aerobatic plane?

Lol that looks naff. Even my very midrange pc looks better then that.

I think a fictional one. There were a bunch in a pack I got from fs.to.

Erm some strip in the Spanish Pyrenees. Tbh it's probably fictional. It's from some bush strip pack I downloaded a while back from fs.to.