No fuck, wrong sub.


Everyone knows the plural of moose is meemse. Just like the plural of squish is sqweemsh.

That you're new to anime. Nothing wrong with that either, welcome to the club. Also, WHERES THE PIXELS

Much appreciation good sir. May you not get head tapped by a scav with 7mm buckshot today.

Really threw us a curve ball with that one

I believe the answer to your question is as follows: No

I run up to it with an autocannon, shoot the front guns, reload, shoot 9 times into the underbody, it dies, I run away.

We average $3.25. I wish it would go below $3.

It's because the numbers are automated. I've talked to them before and asked about it.

I'm either rocking miku/nightcore mix or Metallica/doom mix. Two polar opposites that both fit so well.

Swedens a great place, highly recommend.

When did my generation stop wearing ankle socks?

Weedwack down, check for rocks and stuff, mow, then use weed wacker or edger for edges. 👍

We literally put the word WOMENS in NBA to make it clear it's for women, when NBA doesn't contain anything about men. Guess when need to rename the NBA the MNBA because "sexism" then right? Would that make it even for you?

Well, no not at all. I dont view tracing as cheating in any capacity, actually. Considering some people learn art styles by tracing over other people's art/art styles, no. It's actually a common way to animate, I forget what it's called specifically, but I believe it's the way Chainsaw Man was animated.