Chocolate Milkshake

Yes. It's not a complete retelling. But yes there's a lot of similarities between the two. Because they basically got a "do over".

Chocolate Milkshake

I love the show. But I don't understand why people feel it's okay to come here and just shit on the show. What's worse is that they call themselves a "fan" and it's like "how?? All you do is complain!"

Of course! If the person at the head of the line is doing what they're supposed to, then there should be about 5ft of space between the head of the line and the table. So no pushing or crowding. And you can always ask the line management that you need a little space behind you and that shouldn't be a problem. But, look into getting an ADA sticker for your badge.

Hey! So I'm working the Denver Fan Expo this weekend and might be working the Chicago one. There's nothing to fear. We're just like you. We also love the people you're going to see and the fandoms you're a part of. It's our job to help you feel more comfortable. So if you need to know where to go for some quiet let one of us know. And if you're in line waiting for an autograph and you get a little overwhelmed, just let us know.

Chocolate Milkshake

Have you seen S7?

Chocolate Milkshake

That's what fanfic is for. There's a few of us writing alternate endings or filing in the gaps. Just depends on what ship you like best.

But I loved S7 too!!

Chocolate Milkshake

Why would they? And yes, there's Riverdale elementary and middle school. Jellybean goes to school. She's the youngest person in the cast. But she's a side character.

Chocolate Milkshake

I would counter that the S4 ending was due to covid as they had to stop filming. That's why the first three episodes of S5 are really the end of S4.

Chocolate Milkshake

Yes and it's wonderful!

Chocolate Milkshake

Riverdale was really big for the first four seasons. The first and second seasons being the most watched. The pandemic and BH breaking up caused a lot of people to stop watching (or rage quit). The people who rage quit over BH breaking up are fucking stupid. They're the ones who made the ship go on for so long and it hurt the show narratively. Also, if they had broken up in S2/3 (like romances tend to do) they probably would have been endgame in S7.

Chocolate Milkshake

YAAAYYY SEASON 7 LOVE!! That's my favorite too. It literally got me to watch the show again. I laughed out loud several times each episode because it was genuinely funny. It was like watching the comics come to life. It also introduced me to my favorite pairing made and made them endgame.

I know a lot of people don't like it because there isn't some sweeping overarching plot. But that's not what the original comics were like. They aren't like that even now.

I guarantee those can be split. In traditional books a chapter is about 5k. I literally won't read stories like this because it's too much all at once. My editor brain will start breaking all of these chapters up too. I'd tell the author to start a second version with a more manageable word count per chapter.

Veronica. Write myself some better plot. The writers fucked her over so hard.

Chocolate Milkshake

It's like you said. The first five episodes were an alternate universe. The Riverdale side doesn't know that Rivervale exists. It was a five episode event. But keep watching, things will be explained as the season goes on.

Chocolate Milkshake

Her coming off as the same person I blame on the writers. I mean... She went back to Archie in season 5 for no other reason than the writers refused to write anything for her.

But yes, S7 they finally got her right.

Chocolate Milkshake

I actually really don't like Veronica in most of the comics either. I like her in Vampironica/Jughead: The Hunger vs Vampironica and Betty & Veronica: Vixens. But she's very different in those than in the classic run. Hell, I think she's the worst in the Life with Archie: Ten Year Anniversary. His life was DEFINITELY better with Betty.

I didn't see her being a mean girl or "rich bitch" in the later seasons. She's confident as fuck and most are turned off by women like that. But, even in the earlier seasons she's not outwardly mean to be mean. I like her best in S7. She's much more grounded and her confidence comes off as uplifting than superior.

Chocolate Milkshake

The penultimate episode goes into more explanation than the finale. I'm not sure what synopses you're reading but most aren't very comprehensive. I'd say give them a chance and watch them.

Chocolate Milkshake

Fulfilling lives doesn't always mean that your life after high school was the "best" time in your life. For people like myself, I didn't need to get a job and I had an allowance and didn't have helicopter parents and social media wasn't a thing. There was an ease of life in high school. It's always marked as the last point where you have absolute freedom. It's not always the case, especially now. But back in the 50s? Absolutely.

But was it just the ending that was confusing or did you find other parts confusing? Save the finale, the whole season takes place in 2 months (Sep 2 - Thanksgiving). And it's more episodic as that's what the comics were like. I loved season 7 because it was like watching the classic comics come to life. I literally laughed out loud multiple times in each episode because it was genuinely funny.

Chocolate Milkshake

I like this!

Chocolate Milkshake

If you've never seen season 7 then how can you say that it destroys any character growth?

Chocolate Milkshake

I feel like you haven't finished the show. But fun fact: those nicknames you hate? They're canon in the comics. That's part of her vernacular.

Overall, Veronica was WASTED as a character. I think she gets better in later seasons. But the lack of growth of her character is a direct result of the writers refusing to give her storylines in favor of Betty getting them. The plots don't get evenly distributed.

I say this as a person who used to hate Veronica and after rewatching the show have really come to love her and mourn how the writers fucked her over.

Betty, however, fucks up a lot. She does horrible things and because she's got "protagonist girl" armor gets everyone to apologize to her. The only time she really apologizes she doesn't apologize for doing something wrong. She apologized because she got caught and the apology is literally "I'm sorry you found out".

Chocolate Milkshake

[Veronica Friends! .gif]

I don't care what you call me. What's a zumpie though? Is that some Gen alpha slang? Like skibitiybeebop toilet?