Man showdown muller is so great. I’m still rolling with him for now, but David must be great if you replaced him.

Just be happy there is no longer the daily knockout tournament with a card at the end to win. You would have to win 3 games in a row with a limited number of tries. Forget when this was stopped maybe 4-5 years ago?

Also I know friendlies can feel a bit sweaty, but I wish every game in FUT was 4 min halves. I love the shorter games, whenever I play rivals game seem way to long.

But ultimately yeah people want rewards so will do whatever to get them. Most important thing is to not get tilted and learn to improve and adapt your play style depending on who you are playing.

I’m 25 in plus some packs from friendlies and also including 84x10s from today. I have packed xavi x2, cordoba, carvalho, and mcmanamon. Pretty lucky I guess. Fully expecting to pack a trezaguet and not mich more the rest of the way.

I only play it when it comes out free on ps plus. I’m currently addicted to it, but generally I don’t mind playing squad battles and friendlies only. I started playing with fifa 98 so it’s been a long ride.

EA are really good at making this game addicting. That said I am proud to say I’ve never bought FIFA points ever in my career of playing ultimate team. It’s so funny how we chase these few near unpackable players each week and when you are lucky enough to get one you realize they aren’t that much superior or will change the results you get that much.

Also anyone who gets upset or generally isn’t having fun with this game, there are so many games out there to play just go find something else enjoyable. Cheers guys hope you all pack that 96 rodrygo.

Mostly Phish, widespread panic, and Grateful Dead. Although at times a go a few weeks without listening to anything and other times I listen daily.

We are too old man. We have been here since the beginning.

Same. Thought this was cool online cup rewards.. then saw champs, haha yeah no thanks.

I was also able to pull 2 3 day passes first time in 4-5 years. That said I’ve never missed a show there. Although last year Saturday tickets were worst I could ever remember.

I grinded so much this week also to have the output be less than every other week. Shows how hard it is to pack the top players. Thanks for the tracker super interesting

Same. Although I googled it and looks like they are doing maintenance tonight. Oh well

Think what you’re looking for QBO names as classes. they need to be turned on in the settings. Then every entry that is made will have a class associated with it. Set up each business line as a separate class. Can then run reports and filter by class to see each individual business line. That is where I would start, good luck. QBO is mostly annoying as shit.

Those are great seats anything is 202 is good. I got 202 TT for 2 nights and XX 202 for Sunday. Can’t wait.

Only thing I could pull was platinum charity tickets, I’m not paying inflated prices. Will Try again tomorrow. Good luck everyone.

Looking forward to playing this. Currently playing through like a dragon which is my first in the series. Will probably go back and play yakuza zero as well.

Well I was able to order one in last 15 minutes. Hopefully same cancellation doesn’t happen to me. I’ll update as transaction progresses. So far says set for delivery on Tuesday and I have an order #.

Ugh. Missed it. That is okay I’ll get one soon enough. Glad to see stock is staying in a little longer when dropped.

Good luck to all. Game looks awesome!

We are at 18.2% on a 15yr at 2.375%. Got pretty lucky with timing, and sold our first house at top of that market. We are also lucky that we are in what we want to be our long term house cause I’m not ever leaving this mortgage.

Running the numbers now a monthly payment on a 30 year mortgage would be more expensive then our current 15 year ☠️ Feel sorry for people that weren’t able to get into a good rate.

Fellow cpa checking in. Was in public accounting for 8 or so years now work as a controller for a small company. I’m pretty flexible to take time whenever, but having 2 kids under six I don’t get to that many shows anymore. Hope to start back up as they get a little older.

I have an 85 for about 2 years now. I sit at 9-11 feet it seems big at first but now I couldn’t go any smaller. Highly recommended from this distance. Depending on amount of disposable income I’d probably recommend 83 in oled if you can swing it.

This is my second pool season and my water has been clear all summer (live in upper Midwest so we really only use pool for 4-5 months).

I’ve used Muriatic acid, borax, and liquid chlorine. Oh I suppose cynuric acid as needed. I am just diligent about cleaning pool, filter and adding these chemicals as needed and water has been perfect. Oh also skimmer socks are awesome and catch so much extra shit before it gets to the filter.

I’m too cheap for the stream, but I just listened to the Kill devil falls from the other night. Woo boy that was that good, blissy hard phish is my jam.