Pitch Type, pitch speed or replays on the scoreboard.

Yeah, I don't mind some dooming. It's a fan subreddit, let it out.

But have a semblance of reality while doing it.

I will see highlights or watch games and be absolutely stunned at the balls that go over the fence for homers.

And then I watch the Braves absolutely smack the piss out of the ball and it dies at the warning track into someone's glove.

Just an overall incredibly disheartening couple of months.

Even year Olson.

He has significantly worse numbers in even years his whole career.

So you're saying the late inning comeback is going to fall JUST ONE RUN SHORT?

Of course, I've seen Braves baseball before.

Damn, with Ozuna going cold, we've got SO little offensive power.

Sorry guys, we already had our designated 1 inning of competent offense.

From what I gather watching our games, they aren't legally allowed to score again.

Blink and there's 2 outs.

Classic Braves response inning.

It's fucking comical.

Every season, the Braves bring up some 26-29 year old reliever you've never heard of and they just dominate for a year or two.

Have you not been watching for the past 2 months?

That's been the standard of operations.

Believe it or not, we were hitting around .290 with RISP about 3 weeks/month ago, top 5 in MLB.

That's dropped down to .256 on the year, 17th.

That big of a drop, that quickly is disastrous.

I don't know if he's qualified, but Maldonado is worse.

I only recently discovered Brads content, I like it.

But, oh god, that's such a cringey response from him. Treating Ethan and Hila like Voldemort or something. It's truly a clown show with a large group of progressives online.

The insane purity testing will destroy the progressive movement. And the people who cower to them and issue delusional apologies like this are only fueling the fall.

Another sub 10 pitch inning by the top of our offense.

Great job guys.

Ah, time to face one of the worst bullpens in the league. Cool.

They've also shut us down for 7 innings so far this series. Damn.

Hard to score when you have half a lineup. And when the good half is a pale in comparison to who they were just last year.

Patented sub 10 pitch inning for the Braves after the other team scores.

So the HBP and the walk both came around to score?

No way, that never happens to us.

Scoring 3 more runs is a monumental ask for our offense right now.

I really want Murphy to be good for us. It's been about a calendar year since he last was a competent hitter.

Since the All-star break last year, he has a wRC+ of 81.