All they care about what you where doing when you died not how you lived

I've always assumed that it was a martial contest. If it was, which seems like a nord thing to do, then yes, ulfric cheated and therefore is not the true high king

Is weed legal where you live? Make a hidden door and grow that sticky

Odin needs to feel like he's in control. That's why he hung himself. That's why he (tried to) killed all the giants. Making kratos pull back is a pure power move to stroke his ego. After all, even the god that slaughtered his way through his native patheon feels uncomfortable with odin so close.

I cried as I did this when I understood. By the way I love how the og creater is basically the Ares of the series

It's against TOS. But personally I hate it. Like I'm okay an author on RR goes independent and pulls their work to publish but what that author is doing feels dirty to me.

I still say that there was a nonfighter paradise somewhere in their beliefs. Not every one can be a warrior in society and I doubt they'd follow a belief system that basically says hey thanks for your hard work. Now go to this cold place until the gods get around to killing you off

Dude its so rare to find bella/Tanya stories

God I read it in the voice and what's up with the other car that uturned?

Was your brother denied oxygen in his development years? Because wow. All she need is to make a rule says she's always better than her opponents. Bam. She beat everyone. Like is your brother genuinely okay?

Jesus dude wrote a whole ass essay. It would have taken less time to click off and block

I mean, look at lockhart. The man stole the identity of several famous witches and wizards. But considering it's a mind spell, I think it takes a lot of mental fortitude and dedicated learning to actually be good. And the only way to improve is to cast it. At some point, your victims would go to the hospital where they'd likely find out about the mental tampering, so it's possible that very few people ever got good at it

Going from the pictures, I assumed the op ment the old kratos versions. Welp, I guess I was wrong. Nothing new there

I have a few things to say. First, theres only many things a "mistake" can be. If it's what I'm thinking, then calling it a mistake isn't going to help. Second, take down all your work to appease your ex isn't healthy. Third, as someone who exclusively reads reading that bio, I'd never read anything they post. I'd hate to love something they wrote only to find out it's part of a bigger story that I'll never get to read so the author could self-flagellate. All that aside, I hope this person gets help. Because that's not healthy

I never understand this as a reader. Don't like? Don't read. Bella never showed any real affection for Tanya doesn't mean I bitch about those. But as a side note I love that ship