30 to 40 negative thoughts


toothless not homeless




toothless not homeless

The extremely delusional part of me is hoping they’re going to experiment with some kind of reunion replacement that will be better than the current format and that can be reused on other shows. Reunions are important, but they often bore me and we don’t always get a lot out of them.

Madison Marie Parks Valleta

When I’ve seen this discussed before, someone said that Kim Kardashian is the only reality star who has ever guest hosted.

Madison Marie Parks Valleta

They also didn’t get the ticket sales that she did, which factored heavily into her getting a second run.

get your unmarried self together

Has anyone else noticed that all of the dating advertisements posted in The Stripe FB group include something about how the person on sale "loves God" or that they are looking for a "Christian man"? I'm all for people being upfront and honest about their values in dating, but the demographics are kind of surprising to me.

toothless not homeless

Yes you explained it really well! “Belong” is probably not the word I want, but giving your siblings (and in-laws) space to do their own thing and have their own lives is important.

toothless not homeless

I will own up to that, and I will also add that I will always hate the way the Gorgas took away something that belonged to Teresa (being on the show) and shamelessly glommed onto her for fame. Everything about both of them just reads desperate and thirsty.

I know the phrase "touch grass" is overplayed, but.........

toothless not homeless

And Rosie with the jug of Carlo Rossi

toothless not homeless

There will be a candlelight vigil outside of Chateau after sunset tonight

The most convincing theory I've seen on Reddit is that Zach said something like, "Ugh, I wish Janet weren't pregnant so that I could come for her" and Janet spun it entirely out of proportion.

It's just such a wildly vile comment that I can't imagine anyone saying it out loud. Like, I can only imagine something like that coming from deeply unwell Twitter stans.

It’s not that deep. None of them are going to talk about harder drugs on camera, but they’re basically an open secret on VPR. Cocaine was such a big part of the early seasons that they may as well have put a SUR dress on a baggie for the opening credits.

toothless not homeless

It feels very early 2000s to be critical of having any kind of cosmetic work

I would argue that Scheana has been spending the most within her means over the years. She probably meant that she didn’t have a ton of liquid cash and that tapping into her savings would have meant selling off stocks/investments.

Maybe it was one of their neighbors who was tired of their shit

get your unmarried self together

Are people doing okay? A picture of the Summer House women doing a group hug should not make you cry. A corny side-by-side photo of Katie and Ariana from VPR the two times they've hugged in 14 years of filming a TV show together is not worth hundreds of upvotes, nor should it inspire people to write weepy comments about how they miss having a best girlfriend and how their bestie just randomly ghosted them one day and they don't know why (narrator: they knew the reason why).

toothless not homeless

Meanwhile, Teresa always marches on the first episode of every season blurting out some wild shit to get the fighting going lol. I heard Evan does stuff at the gym! I heard you was the biggest drug dealer in Bergen County!

I like Paige as a character on the show, but she does the best job of "living in the comments section" and making it look authentic. This past season was a master class of her knowing how to play to the audience to be both entertaining and well-received. She knew what it would look like to have all of the women give Lindsay a group hug even when she didn't mean it.

toothless not homeless

Sandoval's downfall really has all the men quaking. Carl would obviously still be trying to avoid the backlash, but I wonder how differently he would have handled things over the season if Scandoval hadn't just happened.

toothless not homeless

I will say again that the biggest disappointment with the reunion was that they didn't continue breaking the fourth wall and talking about everything that was happening with production. I want to hear WHY Lala thought the show would get canceled if Ariana didn't have the conversation. I want to hear about the mid-season meeting, about how they got Ariana and Katie to agree to start showing up to group events that included Sandoval again. If these conversations were had during the reunion but got edited out, I'd say that's a little unfair when production was basically an invisible character this season.