With an unsettling hint of despair beneath the facade

Has the movie, 'It Follows', vibe for me

Inspiring story. Liked the 'in conclusion' part - reminds of the quote: "There's nothing so bad that a drink won't make it worse."

Exactly the attraction for me - in fact, she set a bar for me regarding sexy, wicked, villainous women

And I especially like that the sun in the distance, central to the pic and reminds me of when I used to do those pinhole burns with a magnifying glass

I absolutely hear you. I was an alcoholic father who 'was there, but not present' when my two GenZ daughters ('99 and '01) were growing up. I'm of the oldest GenXers and have been sober for nearly 3½ of the last 8 years of seeking lifelong recovery...so since turning 50. I did however leave the family unit for good just over a year before that.

I now have a very good relationship with them, but do have somewhat of an 'over-protective' concern for their welfare regarding mind-altering substances use. They're both 'Friday after work drinkers' (irregularly), but smoking weed is their preference. Again, I have a perceived fear (real or imaginary) of either of them becoming addicts, while I'm more concerned with youngest due to her vivacious personality. My oldest is more conservative and more health conscious and I believe was turned off alcohol particularly, because of me. Addiction has been shown to be an emotional disease, so where your heads at.


Auckland University (NZ) student radio, since 1969.

They have program/content slots/shows together with general segments, e.g. news; and facilitate podcasts being recorded show uploads.

One drinking session relapse absolutely humbled me like I couldn't remember a similar episode of such profound intensity. So yeah, a massive ego crash both got me back into the rooms and took away my obsession, craving and glamourisation of alcohol.

Often overlooked, but yeah, we are dealing with people who there is a greater propensity than the average person, that they may still suffer from character flaws - despite their length of sobriety...that is flaws that could've but haven't been addressed

Yeah like those short distance twisting dive-bombs

Since it's a Chevy, could well be a ref to the engine type

Excellent effort - no, really - you're representative of I'd say the majority of recovery seekers, especially in their early sobriety.

Alcohol doesn't feature in my thoughts because I 'luckily' suffered a mini breakdown brought upon by a never-before experienced sense of humiliation, as a result of my last relapse session...so yeah, the biggest ego knockout had from memory. From that I was able to 'redefine' my view of alcohol and basically de-glamourise it and categorise it as a dangerous poison. That doesn't mean I haven't thought about drinking and scenarios...it means that I no longer obsess about or crave drinking or the 'promises' imagined of it.

See - I can't correlate 'assisted controlled drinking' for an alcoholic as any sort of solution for a new and improved life. So that would mean that really, I think TSM is a crock... . Until there's (for e.g.) a pharmaceutical cure of alcoholism, i.e. a specific artificial psychological cure; then I'll need to 'corral' my alcoholic tendencies in a life program of maintenance through personal improvement.

I like this, it probably says much more about ego than love (or at least romantic notions)...many a movie is based on that 'non-aligning' factor

I read the numerous detractor comments here, mostly related to Apple's marketing strategies...but I can't help but see this market move going ballistic - I mean the aesthetic alone is a killer!

She had an (arguably) as famous actress younger sister, Joan Fontaine, with longevity obviously in the genes (died at 96 years old). They purportedly weren't close, deriving from childhood resentments.

She is, like classy hot. Turnin' 50 in a few months

Coppola's Bram Stoker's Dracula (1992) was a great rendition - maybe a bit 'moody' yeah, but solely from necessity; while Oldman's portrayal was exemplary, even iconic (shout-out to the make-up team particularly for the aged Vlad)

This pretty much - but also and importantly, sobriety is only as good as how far you are prepared to go to in effect, 'turn your life around'.

True and successful sobriety is chiefly about undergoing personal change...and the more radical compared to your older self, the better. The abstinence part is merely the prerequisite. Continued alcohol use, furthers the damage to an alcoholic in both body and mind, though unfortunately the mind cannot undergo any gym session like the body to put things right - no, it gets progressively worse there.

Sugar is now my mortal enemy ever since I became a Type 2 Diabetic maybe within the last year. I'd basically abused sugar all my life, so it was only fair that it had the last word in the end

Circumstances and origins can make such choices either difficult or even impossible