The third faction being weird polygons was pretty surprising.

They will just punch you in a real altercation if you put the hands in the armpits and wait.

If you can't open the closed guard you are just trash at bjj.

Paying 50$ to unlock all the races and heroes is equivalent to buy a whole game. It's different then paying 500k$ to be on top of the ladder.

Is every paid game pay-to-win because you need to buy it before you can win a game?

Did this without any instruction. The uke does a trash limp arm that gets you countered.

The game has a similiar grindy feel of a mobile action game.

Many of the best selling indie games happen to be platformers.

Those tend to have epic art. With epic art selling anything is way easier.

The old franchises where platformers in the previous century.

The Pedigo guys aren't good enough to win the CJI but a ADCC win would be really valuable to them.

It would make more sense for her to live of saving while she is job searching and dating around to replace the cheap boyfriend.

learning to make good art assets

the platformers that are hits tend to have insanely good art

There is plenty of BJJ gyms where there are no underaged people to be groomed.

I mean turning into a mad monstrocity that attacks and gets killed by the rest of the team is IMHO cooler ending then just dying from mutations.

Your list ranks the effect from good to bad but when I imagine evil mutagen trope for the biggest benefits there is often the biggest drawback.

Maybe also add temporary negative effect from the mutagen like getting burns and the transition period making you puke, hallucinate.

Rolling death seem kind of anticlimactic.

I would have more things that are a mix of big good and big bad like a big benefit with big disfiguration

And -1 to random attribute and +1 to random attribute. Also add more weird abilties an for catastrophic failures I would change them to like zombie or some frog monster or something horrible.

putting your knee hard on someone's hand when they are making you favour rolling nice with you is pretty lame. watching the video it didn't go on the most painfull part of Craig's hand.

Most people think it looks like dogshit.

The models are badly made and don't look good from distance. The game looks like it has been affected by video compression.

Starcraft Remastered looks 100x better.

the early 20 something guys have the most testosterone.

Loads of people feel in seems bland and soulless and dislike the low quality art.

  1. Are ripe tomatoes poisonous to adults of the wrong ancestory. Never heard anything about that.
  2. Plenty of nightshades are posionous. You should be eating potato fruit and some other are really bad.
  3. You have to have special genes to digest milk as an adult.

The tomatoe fruits are not poisonous. They are not milk and you do not need special ancestry to eat them.

it's still broken, why are you using such utter shit severly retarded ticket website?

change it to something not made by Nicky Ryan's brother