Ass ears? What have I missed?? Also those shades once available have to be nabbed for sure. I was excited just knowing who owned them prior, but enjoyed how much they actually added to my look haha

:Bat-Signal: R.I.P Kevin Conroy :Bat-Signal:

That cat is just acting cute to lure you into a false sense of security so it can attack.. honestly though it is adorable 10/10 would get attacked again.

The only thing I have on that is how would be know to use electricity to diffuse them? He wouldn't be able to see the microscopic ones and might only be focusing on the bigger ones as they come at him. Not saying Law wins, but none of the characters would know anything about their opponent, we are the only ones that know each weakness and strength. As long as deidara doesn't spill the beans with his loud mouth it may be a bit more tricky

Yea my coworker had a similar thing, she was protecting her dog and this attacking dog nearly ripped her pinky off. It now has metal in it and she can't bend it straight. Everything else healed fine, she ended up choking the attacking dog out in her bathroom and locking it in there.

When you have no other alternatives you might be surprised.

Can confirm, we have one of these at work for our chemical barrels

Hey you've got all the time in the world to improve, just gotta practice and expand your artist vocabulary. Which that's all the different lines you draw, practice practice practice. Van Gogh didn't start until he was 27, so if you've got a passion for it just work on it in your own time. There are plenty of books you can get that would help. Practice drawing things you see such as everyday objects or look up images and draw those, it's not cheating to draw something someone else has made, everything is just practice and helping you get better. So with each drawing, painting, whatever you do just think of it as a step in improving. It helps to draw things you don't normally draw and make shapes and lines you aren't used to. So don't get discouraged by anyone else's work, that's not your own and you can work your way up to that in time. Nothing with having comes ready or quickly it'll take some time and effort. Keep all your drawings, date and sign them and you can check your improvement over time. So keep up the hard work!

Aside from the watery eyes it might look similar with the limpness. Had to put my boy to sleep two years ago. They normally wrap the animal in a blanket though, or my vet does anyhow. Then you might expect a bit of heavy breathing or it might just go quick. Either way this video reminded me of it pretty well. Starting my morning off a little sad haha

I'm 29 and grew up with gen 2.. so close enough

How often do your see animals tear apart their nest for no reason, or drag a threat to it where it could potentially be destroyed? Godzilla uses the coliseum as a new nest, basically his house. I would imagine he would like to keep it from getting ruined. I'm sure he would have done the same with the pyramids if he had a way to get in there and make it a nest, but at the time that was just part of the landscape and not important for him

You're super to build a ship in a bottle, not a scorpion

Komodo dragons is what does it for me. I've seen too many things get ripped from a mother's womb and swallowed whole.

Yea its been close to two decades since I've played, I guess I got some things mixed up haha that's my bad, thanks for clarifying

Ah I haven't played since I was a kid on ps2, I thought that that was the father for some reason. That's my bad

Well that's the father of Icarus, so probably trying to change his sons fate so that he doesn't fly to close to the sun and die.

I kinda liked the Baron mode for Naruto, can't say I like much else

If it makes you feel better this happened to me in scarlet.. with a male shiny Salandit..

I mean people do that in the US too.. we just call it getting goosed.

I mean they can be portrayed as silly, but for some of them they do have incredible focus while in battle. Like Goku in i believe his third fight with Mercenary Tao ( could be the second) he just let Tao beat up on him to learn his moves and pace essentially. Which he kinda still does with just going easy at first to figure out his opponent. Yea I always thought the chakra thing was needed, but you'll get people say it's the same as ki ( which it may be i don't rightly know) or they'll say it doesn't make sense that it wouldn't work. That's how it's been in my experience anyhow

Maybe Goku? He does have psychic abilities so maybe he could block it somehow haha I'm just going off of his mind reading and what not no idea if he could do anything else

My aunt got her arm caught in one of those when she was younger, it broke her arm. She's 72 now so she just has a washer and dryer now.