I got overcharged a few of the months I lived in Oakland. Hold them accountable

Both would be huge money making opportunities

Sleep would allow you to have much more free time and push yourself far harder and recover faster

Teleportation is just broken. You could create infinite energy, steal things, unstoppable in combat

I think sleep would mean that I could live a peaceful life where teleportation would almost certainly make me public enemy number 1

I think sleep because teleportation would probably make me public enemy number one

I like the idea of magnetic fields to redirect or photosynthesis to absorb. I don’t believe either would be practical

:SmokeChibi: Smoke Main

No more cringe military / cop cosplayers or internet tough guys (impossible)

Thought I was a trans woman but still loved being a man on occasion. Then I realized I can do both

Maliketh beat me like 4 times then I changed my build a little and beat him first try

Approximately 10 seconds cause I watched a training video on this

:SmokeChibi: Smoke Main


You lost me there, he’s LITERALLY in the navy

I mean I think the two emotions are not so far apart sometimes. When people feel threatened they’re scared. When their values are threatened they’re angry. If they’re not sure whether they’re virtue signaling or in danger it’s somewhere in the middle.

SCP 173 is 2 meters. Could be a power forward in the NBA

It’s called triage. We can’t wait for a perfect solution while people are dying.

The stats would be pointlessly limiting. So I’m playing a female raider or male scientist, I have to take a stat penalty?

It’s a role playing game, not a predestined story game

Court room/pre war could be cool, but railroading the player is antithetical

I guess I’m thinking of homeowners as being part of investors, but that might be too broad of a stroke for me to make, as individual homeowners and housing developers have different goals