Oh man, this brings me back. When the LotR movies came out my brother, friends and I would take turns playing a custom Stronghold maps we made to recreate helms deep lol. You could add enemy and allied reinforcement markers on the map and set times for when and what kind of units would appear. Had waves and waves of the "orc" NPC army attack and finally a bunch of knight ally reinforcements to clean up if we could defend for the appropriate time.

That's Alabama, not Texas. XD

A lot of it has to do with the recent surges in AI i imagine.

Reminds me of Day9's randomly generated guardian from Baldur's Gate.

Eh, it all just seems like a massive political stunt to give democrats something to campaign on in November tbh. I doubt it'll effect the result of the election though.

I bet 90% of the people cheering that the justice system works because Trump got convicted are the same people seething over how the justice system is broken because of the Rittenhouse acquittal. To them, Trump was guilty no matter the outcome of the trial, just like they claim Rittenhouse is guilty. They don't care about the justice system, just if the optics fit their desired narrative. For instance, if Trump wins on appeal I doubt that will change these people's opinions in the slightest. They are just going to go back to claiming the justice system is broken or w/e. 

Hence why I don't think any of this will matter, everyone already has their own preconceived opinion on the matter regardless of the outcome.

It's all quite silly honestly, but it's been amusing watching people tying themselves into knots over it.

There was this whole family on a flight I was on from Vegas to New York, probably a decade ago. I swear they could have been undead and I wouldn't have been surprised. I wish they got kicked off. The flight attendants were going up and down the aisle every hour spraying air freshener. I wasn't even directly next to them, the whole cabin was suffering. Feel bad for the people in the immediate seats around them.

Reminds me of the whole left-right brain thing

Basically left brain you is responsible for verbal communication, right brain you responsible for symbolic interpretations.

So there is a rudimentary way to test some common lead alloy hardness by using basic art pencils. Basically want to sharpen them, then flatten the tip slightly so you have sharp corners at the tip. Run the corner of the tip across a section of lead, starting with the softest pencil until one leaves a scratch. The first pencil to leave a scratch is your approximate hardness. Then consult with this table .

In your case, just take a file and file down a small portion of the coating on the bullet to expose some lead, then run the pencil test.

Linux for 90% of everything I do, and I would rather use MacOS for that last 10% than use a Microsoft OS past 10. They are completely cooked in the head at this point.

Funny story. We had a client who downsized our team from 3 devs to just me. Then they hired an indian-canadian dev and had us/me do knowledge transfer for a few months so they could stop working with us entirely. This dudes entire job was then to train three different devs from india and do knowledge transfer to them so they could then terminate him.

I was literally training my replacement so they could train their own replacements. It was crazy lol XD

I'm sorry, only hundreds of dollars? There are some vintage formats where the decks are worth a small mortgage or more.

"Tell me how the grass asphalt tastes little man!"

I really need to see a guntuber compete in a 3 gun match with whatever they get from one of these, completely unseen.

I'm sorry, what? Is the seller asking for cash and want to meet in some abandoned alley at the ass crack of night? Unless you are a felon, these are numbers that you immediately block and ignore the guy for lol.

I use Linux for 90% of my computing needs now thanks to Microsoft's progressively dumber policies over the years. I would rather use MacOS for the remaining 10% than downgrade to Windows 11.

OP's question including "legalized hunting" seems a bit weird to me and in addition to the above also would like to clarify in case they do not understand how that works.

Legalized hunting isn't a blank check so to speak to go out and kill however many deer whenever desired. Statistics and observations are made each year, (which includes things such as road collisions with animals) to gauge the sizes of populations. Hunters can then apply and be given "tags" only amounting to the number of deer approved to be sustainably harvested for a particular time period/season. For instance, I have a coworker that hunts with their group of several friends because between them they might only get one or two tags for a particular season.

Hunting also works to help cull the population in areas where resources have become scarce which would otherwise completely decimate the population. For instance, years ago around the grand canyon wolves and other predators were killed off because people wanted more deer in the area because it attracted tourists and made the place seem more scenic. The result was a population boom in deer, that quickly used up their own natural resources, leading to starving and dead deer everywhere. Hunting had to be reinstated to keep the population down until the wolf, predator and vegetation populations could recover and everything regain equilibrium.

The whole point of legalized hunting is to maintain a sustainable population. It's the illegal hunting / poaching that would be more detrimental to population size.

I have an unhealthy obsession with 32 caliber firearms... Ended up grabbing the non-thumb safety version (same deal applies) and a few hundred rounds of ammo... I should not have checked reddit before bed. lol.

Advertised feature not available on launch and promised to be added in a future update but never was? Gamers be like, "First time?"