My groomer gave me her personal cell phone number for if I need to get my corgi, Eowyn, groomed and there isn't room in her schedule. She told me, "I will *always* make time for her!" She also puts a lot of work into making sure Eowyn gets the *best* bows they have in their selection because I've commented how much I look forward to seeing her in the bows. I adore that woman.

Therapist here. I work for a group practice that takes insurance on the Eastside. If I worked individually, I don't know if I would take insurance due to a lot of the aformentioned issues with insurance companies combined with the COL crisis.

I can also *afford* to work there comfortably, with my husband being the primary bread-winner in our household and me not having any student loan debt.

I have this app to track my pregnancy (she's the size of a turnip!), so I was confused for a second because I forgot you can use it to track your cycle.

My guess is the ball hit one of the pipes of the sprinkler system in case of a fire. That water can get super gross from just being stagnant in pipes for years and years.

Bunch of teen protagonists jumping into a lot of blue wormholes to save the world from an alien porcupine.

Hey now: I type with my index fingers and I'm fast as fuck. I did the whole Mavis Beacan Teaches Typing thing, but would always go back to index finger typing because it was faster and I knew where all the letters were by muscle memory

I had no idea this was a symptom until now: literally just thought I was just getting old and things were falling apart at the most inconvenient time

"OOOOH, man! Ya see those fuckin' Magic Mike fingers goin' up your COOOOOTER!!”

Do you have a recommendation for a good setting powder?

For my eyeliner, I use either the Marc Jacobs Gel Crayon or the KVD tattoo liner. I tend to really like those twisting gel pencils for eyeliners.

For mascara, I just bought the Loreal Telescopic Mascara (a total hype purchase, I admit)

Oh dang: I had been trying to use my rice face cream as a makeup base for awhile before I started using my before/after setting spray. I stopped using it because it felt like my foundation was more likely to almost bunch up along my face and not blend very well.

I never thought of using a setting powder for my eyeliner. I guess I assumed it would dull the color of the eyeliner after you apply it on top...but perhaps it's because my setting powder has a bit of a nude tint to it rather than being an entirely clear one.

I use an eyelid primer, but never on my lower eyelid (I'm always worried about accidentally tugging at the skin too much and/or irritating it). I do use a concealer *near* my lower eyelid, but usually stop blending right before the eyelid starts.

I use a setting spray before and after I put on my makeup.

Can you use liquids on the lower lashline? I just remember having early experiences with using liquid liner on my lower lashline in my teenage years and always having it end up running into my actual I just came to the conclusion that you were only supposed to add it to your upper lashline.

Why I didn't think of this solution before is causing me to have an existential crisis. I'm a woman of science, damn it! Why didn't "controlled experiment" come to mind as a solution?!

Mascara vs Eyeliner: Who's ruining my hard work?Question/Recommendation

So, whenever I wear eye makeup, I tend to have those sorts of "runny smudges" that indicate something that I'm wearing is wearing off. Is there a good way for me to determine whether my mascara or my eyeliner is the culprit? I typically wear both on my upper and lower lashlines (usually a cream stick eyeliner and a waterproof mascara). I'm assuming it's my eyeliner, but maybe I'm wrong since I feel like I've had this problem for years now.

What sorts of hacks do you guys have for keeping your eye makeup from running?

I call these fluctuations "wallowing" and "warpathing." Both are designed to encourage you to back off.

Warpathing: Pretty standard gaslighting and intimidation: "what's your problem? I was just trying to be nice. You're being really ungrateful right now." Designed to get you to back off by making you feel nervous and question yourself, especially if you're anxious around confrontation.
Wallowing: More focused on playing on your empathy "I'm such a terrible person. I don't deserve you or anyone. I can't tell you how sorry I am. I should just leave." Just like most of us wouldn't leave someone to cry alone, it's designed to get you to back off because we're culturally encouraged to be sensitive and not be "mean" to people we care about.

Don't back off. Don't let wallowing encourage you to say "it's okay" when it's not. Don't let warpathing fuck with your head.

Anytime someone says "that was rude" I think "I'm sorry, ma: I goofed up."

I get a lot of just straight ear worms of their quotes ather than by association. Like, randomly I'll be living my life and suddenly start thinking to myself "I'm sorry, I have not seen one titty...let ALONE a typhoon!"

Goldeneye. My sisters and I didn’t even play it right: we would just put it on paintball mode and run around and decorate “bases” that the others weren’t allowed to go into. Still, I have such fond and ridiculous memories playing the game with them

Okay, great! I wanted to make sure that I wasn't about to waste money on a product that won't work for me.

Is Shade Matching Just As Important For Contour Colors As It Is Concealer/Foundation Colors?Question

Background Info: I'm over 35 and have really dug my heels about learning how to apply contouring. But, recently, I had this realization that I didn't want to end up sticking to dated makeup application just because I got good at it in my teens/20s. I'm trying to watch videos about application techniques and I think I'm going to go with a cream contour.

Before I bite the bullet and make a purchase, is it important to shade match contouring colors? Or, do you have a bit more wiggle room regarding the color choice? I didn't know if I could just pick something that looked good online or if it's really recommended to go into a store to test the product

I think a lot of people don't realize how ridiculously overpowered the combo of "Lynel 5x Bow + Keese Eyeballs". Those things make these fights a joke.

I mean, I didn't even realize the power of Keese Eyes until I was already through the sage quests.

Your Favorite Dupes For Pricey Skincare Products?Recommendation

I treated myself to Tatcha's Overnight Repair Serum and their Dewy Skin Replenishing Cream back around my birthday after hearing so many good things about Tatcha products. I won't lie, it's been amazing. However, as I get closer to the bottom of each jar, I just cannot justify spending $150 on face cream...not when I have other products in my routine. But I just love how dewey it makes my skin look and feel. Perhaps it's placebo effect or me trying to justify spending a fortune on my skincare, but the thought of not repurchasing them is making suddenly feel a lot of OCD anxiety about ageing.

Does anyone have any tried and true dupes for these skincare products, or any of the popular pricey options out there? I typically use a lot of Paula's Choice, but none of their creams have given me the same effect as these two.