Why would you need only someone who was qualified by your description to answer this? Tons of people know what micro accounts are and that’s the only solution to your problem. So not sure why you need to “call in experts only” for this supposed A-Team level task.

Also ya got $50 dude. And you’re thinking of buying a prop account? What world am I in


Why ask if you’re just going to explain why you think other people’s answers are wrong?

Most agree 4-aco is good. Much more should be learned about it, but it’s accepted to a slight degree it’s relatively harmless as well. So 4-aco in itself is not the issue. The issue is the bs companies that sell these edibles claiming their “shroom bars” for $30-40 a piece. And they’re not obviously. And just because something is a prodrug of the same thing as another substance doesn’t necessarily mean they give the same exact experience or is more or less toxic or dangerous to humans. For example BDO converts to GHB, as does GBL. GBL is relatively harmless toward your body in moderation while BDO has been confirmed to be linked to certain types of cancer and is comparatively very toxic to humans despite metabolizing into the same substance as something else. Not to mention BDO is a tranquilizer compared to actual G or even GBL. Not as euphoric or fun at all. So I do see what you’re saying for sure, but it’s not quite that simple in all cases

Also especially because different mushrooms have different levels/ratios of psilocybin, psilocin, baeocystin, and various other alkaloids that gives each strain slightly and sometimes very noticeably different characteristics. Every “shroom bar” the larger companies make now is the exact same thing every single time, taking away that variability of the experience that can be affected by the strain and dose of actual mushrooms. That’s another thing that pisses me off

I didn’t say anything negative about 4-aco. One of the greater tryptamines out there although if you have taken it a few times it is distinguishable from taking mushrooms regardless of whether or not it converts to psilocin (can’t remember).

However I was saying the edibles the companies produce and sell are bullshit because they’re basically tricking people into thinking they are made with actual mushrooms and charge a fortune for them. That’s what makes them Bs

Reading comp is the least teachable part, so if you can just drill some more Logical reasoning problems and figure out the magic to them, you could be getting -1 and -2 only on every section like you do with RC now and scoring in the low-mid 170s

Clear, only ammonia and water. Aka ammonium hydroxide. No scented or colored stuff or any of that, no phosphates or any other ingredients. Usually some grocery stores will have a store brand and will just say “clear ammonia” on it or something similar. ACE hardware brand is a good one. It’s 10%. But anything between 5-10% is about what you want.

If you come across some that is more like 20% or 50% (never seen those specifically but idk maybe that’s all you can find somewhere, wherever you are, idk) then just buy it, and you can dilute it with distilled water to make the concentration 10% or so. At least if you have a grasp of extremely basic math, which most people do fortunately

Also correct me if I’m wrong but aren’t most pilots these days ex military? and so are wildly experienced with flying all sorts of aircraft and while a major commercial airliner is different from a fighter jet or something, going a bit faster than usual is probably something that is no problem whatsoever and the pilot is good enough they could probably do it with their eyes closed and drunk as shit

They’re legal to possess grow consume and share but not sell to others. Those edibles at headshops like Polkadot brand and others are not actually made with shrooms. They’re a grey area chem, possibly 4-ACO-DMT or a similar tryptamine that mimics psilocybin/psilocin but ya as you said they’re bs and waste of money. No idea how they’ve gotten popular… guess due to the morons that think they’re actually made with shrooms

Dmt mescaline and ibogaine also are legal as well

There are some restrictions though I think like amounts and stuff

Are you talking about the Griffey heavy lumber from 23 or 24? I have 23, beautiful condition. Lmk if interested at all. May be willing to trade or sell jf you have a good offer and are looking for that year and not 2024

Almost a quarter of his at bats he was guaranteed to get an rbi, and a run almost every game, then with the near perfect fielding percentage, ridiculous average, while also being able to sustain that average while hitting for power with about 500 homers, plus dude had 200 triples and nearly as many runs as at bats… speed, contact, power, and elite fielding. Lou was truly one of the best to ever play

Anyone can get morphine from poppies, that’s not the issue. Oxy is the issue. You can’t run an effective synthesis using like a few OPs or something that makes no sense. You need raw oxycodone powder, not pills. Also I would imagine you would need morphine base (which again anyone can get from poppies, harvesting opium and using a very easy and quick method to convert to morphine base, although you need a lot of poppies to get a legitimate quantity), but anyway not morphine sulfate, which is likely what you are getting if you’re prescribed morphine pills

Good fucking luck my friend. That’s some serious chemistry. Not to mention good luck finding pure oxycodone in quantities you would need, if what you’re saying is possible, I’m not familiar with what would be needed for that kind of synthesis.

Also none of the substances you mentioned are RCs. They’re all pharmaceuticals and have been for a long time. Maybe try r/bizzybees

Edit: also think like this: oxymorphone is a highly sought after and extremely valuable painkiller due to its extremely high recreational value and painkilling properties. Opana pills are some of the priciest on the street, if you can even find them. So if it were simple to synthesize, a ton of people would be doing it

It is almost always an unintentional mix/tainting. No one is actively trying to kill people. It’s bad for business and their freedom. Puts a huge target on their back. It’s because people are sloppy and they have some fent on their gloves or hands and start messing around with some other product. Or something as stupid as thinking a little bag of fent is the cut they were using for blow and bam you just made enough substance to kill 200 people or something.

Yes people have intentionally cut and pressed substances with it, but that is very very rare, especially compared to 5-10 years ago. Other than the disputed assumption that very tiny amounts (that usually aren’t enough to even get people high, or even have noticeable effects if cut “correctly”) will make people crave the substances they’re taking a lot more, putting fent and similar substances in others makes absolutely no sense to begin with from any standpoint

Hopefully Op is serious about stopping before enlisting because if not under control and they get into too much trouble while enlisted, a dishonorable discharge is about the worst thing you can possibly have on your record other than murder, sex offenses, and a couple other super serious felony offenses. Dishonorable discharge = life on expert mode, then multiplied by 40. 99% of the population takes that shit super seriously regardless of the reason for it

Wait you actually thought crack can’t hurt you? Why do you think it’s one of the most despised drugs among the general public? Numerous famous people have died from crack and cocaine by itself and mixed with other substances.

And ya a “bell ringer” may seem like the goal the way people talk about it, but it is dangerous and is your body telling you that it can’t handle anymore of whatever you’re doing to it. You are correct that “past” a bell ringer there is no coming back. It’s either death or super close to it if you’re lucky. You either should stop smoking now before you’re too far gone or at least for your own sake don’t smoke so much at one time. Constantly getting ringers is doing even more damage to your brain and body. It is not good for you.

I can’t and am not telling you what to do. But for your own good I will ask you person to person, please at least just break whatever you’re doing into half if you’re going to keep smoking it. Just something to stop essentially playing tug and war with your life every day. Because you’re going to lose that battle. Everyone does

Super illegal. Manager should and likely will be terminated immediately for such a thing

They used ether and ammonia together at first but not as much anymore because ether is extremely flammable. Like blow your house up flammable if you’re making like several ounces or a full kilo of freebase at once. Can catch fire from static electricity even. And most don’t know how to wash it out properly after making it, so when people go to smoke, it basically can blow up in your face. But if washed properly, it is far superior to using bicarb. You can make excellent product with bicarb, but usually only of the coke you started with is extremely high purity, and you only need a tiny amount of bicarb to have it react. Like 10% of the weight of the coke, that kind of tiny amount. Not like what some people do with like a 1:2 or 1:3 ratio which is quite high. When using a very small amount, it’s not all that different than freebase but still not the same

Also other than people not knowing how to properly and safely use ether and/or ammonia, the main reason they began using baking soda/sodium bicarb is because it binds to the cocaine, it doesn’t disappear or “cook off” like some like to think. So it rocks up with the coke, then increases the final weight, thus you don’t have to use as much coke to begin with and you stretch it out. Especially if you have shitty coke. So basically bicarb was and is used by crack dealers to increase profits, whether they know or don’t know that the main reason bicarb began being used was to make more money and stretch product out

But yeah, “crack” is when you use soda/bicarb. True “freebase” is when you use ether and ammonia or only ammonia (some say using heat makes it not “true” freebase but I don’t agree. Heat just speeds the process up). But it’s different from crack because you aren’t adding any substance that is acting in a way as a binder or cut. But you still need to wash the ether and ammonia out after a successful freebase run to be safe for flammability reasons and because smoking either of them long term is obviously harmful.

It’s all on Amazon or any scientific supply site or brick and mortar store. None of this equipment or chemicals used are controlled in any way. Can get the glass just used here for $40-50. A basic full distillation set up for $100-200. The hot plate and stirrer combo can range from $150-300 if displays exact temp, and if you use your own thermometer can get one for $45-70. So ya it’s quite easily accessible. It’s not a $4,000 roto-vap my dude

I just saw, seems to be a great place

u/dcdesq73118 same with a nectar collector or dab straw. Esp the ones with adjustable temp on lower heat so it’s not instantly vaping it

True that. Damn good thing most smokers don’t know how or either can’t or aren’t patient enough to get the materials to do a true freebase with ether and ammonia. They would never wash it, slowly poison themselves, and blow their face off too