I work at a school for autistic kids and every time it rains it’s a massacre of snails. For some reason they like to step on the snails. I think it’s to hear the crunch. But other autistic kids get really upset to see a snail get hurt. So I think it’s a great pet for some of the autistic kids.

I didn’t know about this. Hopefully it gets approved soon.

Thank you so much I will buy this for him. He is under a doctors care and we are following all his directions. He gets checked out by a nurse every day as well.

He is basically eating chicken vegetable soup every day and vegetable juices. His diet is as good as possible right now. Thank you for the suggestions

Yes, he was able to get it. They said that he almost missed his window because his fist symptoms were very mild so he didn’t think it was Covid.

Thank you, I didn’t read the guidelines before posting. I think I panicked and posted but at the same time I was consulting with doctors and we are following all of their recommendations.

We took him to the hospital. He did not want to go at first but we basically made him go. He was just scared and didn’t want to risk infecting others. He is doing ok now but still very ill.

Thank you, we did and the doctors stabilized him. He is doing ok, now he can keep food down. Still very sick but the situation has not escalated. Just now getting a minute to calm down a bit.

Sorry for responding days later. It was very high but it has been stabilized. A nurse checks him every day.

Will do, I know what you mean. Looking more for food recommendations because he is having trouble keeping food down.

Thank you so much. I didn’t know that. We are keeping a close eye on what he eats mostly vegetables rn.

Thanks he has seen 2 doctors today. I will make sure he drinks lots of liquids.

Wow, that’s what scares me. I been feeling not alone in my dreams lately. Like if someone is manipulating my dreams. I know that sounds crazy.

I had realized that I was in a dream. I was going to say it out loud and start lucid dreaming. Interact with the dream freely while being fully aware.

True, not knowing the reason is what freaks me out though.

You know maybe it’s because she looked like a person I trust in real life. That I didn’t question it. I just followed her directions. But also my dreams have this unsettling feeling to them.

Ohhh damn…. That’s scary and I wonder why that is.

Never heard of this happening. Super interesting experience.