Owned by a Miniature Schnauzer

All the time. I particularly hate it when they say to her “you have old man eyebrows”

So nature. You’re allergic to nature

41 here, still fit, I take care of myself, but I look my age for sure. Feels liberating and peaceful not to have men ogling at you anymore. Also, I can’t tell you how much I love not feeling the pressure to look “hot” anymore. That shit was stressful

Owned by a Miniature Schnauzer

Either work on desensitization, and getting her used to your absence, or get her a companion. Mine would do the same. Some days were great, but she had terrible separation anxiety. Screaming and howling. I caved and got her a Schnauzer brother. Best thing ever. It is more work, but also, they keep each other company and entertained. Love my puppies.

I put the pills at the back of their tongues, then gently hold their heads up so they swallow it, and then I give them their favorite treats (tiny liver bites)

Owned by a Miniature Schnauzer

I can attest to this, they definitely keep each other entertained and wear themselves out. However, the barking is twice as loud.

They missed a spot, over to the right

I was raised Catholic, but I am agnostic. My mom, however, doesn’t “give up” on me, and is convinced that she can inspire me to return to Catholicism. I’ve never felt that faith, I can exist peacefully without religion, but my parents’ enforcement of religion definitely drove me away from it. And the behavior of Catholics, mainly the clergy, made me see the farce it truly is. I wish there was a God, but nothing I’ve experienced in my life has supported that.

Let’s face it, everyone - parents aren’t perfect. No one gets it 100% right. Some try, some don’t, but we all get inevitably damaged along the way.

Owned by a Miniature Schnauzer

I’ve actually already had a consult with a dog behavioral trainer and he was impressed by how aggressive my 9mo puppy was being. I’m hoping the training helps

Owned by a Miniature Schnauzer

Aggressive, don’t-come-at-me, stay away barks with a bite. It’s not bitey play

You should do a small pedestal table with a plant, and a circular jute area rug. Relocate the chairs and blue rug

Owned by a Miniature Schnauzer
