The David Nestors book 'Breath' is amazing and incredibly insightful, Wim Hof has a simplied method, theres loads of different techniques

V.s, A Tekken style game for ps1, it was the first game I ever owned

Breathing techniques and chanting, you need to get creative

I worked in a factory of 500 people that stayed open throughout the pandemic and had to test constantly and never got a positive test once, almost everyone I know had it at least once, I know people that tested positive with zero symptoms I lived with my parents who both got it twice but I still managed to avoid it. My mam is in her 60s and has asthma, I remember thinking she would almost certainly die if she got it, a big pile of shite the whole lot

Im not racist but Id rather my country not turn into a complete hellscape like parts of Sweden due to completely ineffective migrant policies and a huge influx of men from the countries where women are seen as property and Sharia law is the norm, its impossible to have social cohesion with these numbers, Its a mess

When I seen the title I thought it was going to be about someone with a horse that had accidentally consumed cannabis in some form

The quality of our produce is second to none, Irish grassfed beef and Dublin Bay prawns are world class

An Post, the Postmen around my parts still take pride in knowing everyones name and its a solid reliable service, also the Credit Union deserves a mention, Banks have become incredibly impersonable, my elderly mother cant use the machines that replaced most of the booths where a clerk was and staff constantly tell her to refer to the app or email someone and basically wants to fob her off, people that age arent going to start learning this technology out of nowhere

Free acccess to computers and very cheap printing which can be an absolute rip off in some places

Yes Im sure my elderly parents would love some random stranger moving into their small rural bungalow so they could all watch TV together in the evenings, I moved back home because theres a housing crisis not because my parents are looking for a lodger, I cook my own food, wash my own clothes, help out around the house and work on the farm. Your reply is absolutely bizzare. Its not really the norm in this country to turn your family home into shared accommodation when your kids move out, my parents have grandkids around every weekend ffs

I earn about 500 a week and pay 100, I always end up picking up a few essentials for the house during the week aswell, Jaysus its shite being back home now that I think about it

He took that run up like a guy that logs 10 hours a day on the Playstation, seriously what was he thinking though, the guy is built like a sack of potatoes but randomly attempts a feat of pretty extreme athleticism on a family day out

These car scene lads are always trying to one up each other with the most crass/funny stickers, its harmless enough craic in fairness

Because this is modern day Europe, No doubt the state funded legal defence highlighted 'cultural differences' and 'frustrations about living conditions' as an excuse for this animalistic behaviour, What happens to a society when you bring in thousands of men from a culture where women are seen as property

The McGregor voice notes are gonna be off the wall

My friends seen him in the Black Forge about two weeks ago, where did you hear hes in rehab?