Andy's on Hubbard for Jazz....a bit closer to downtown

I was an CM rep on a high school when they framed the gym floor slab. I warned the concrete foreman not to pour because some of it was 2-1/2". He poured anyway. He wound up ripping all of it out after we did cores. Then later he must have went on a bender and plowed his pickup into a concrete licght pole base in the school parking lot. Double

Early Beatles songs were expertly produced and provided the best instrument separation.

I don't understand the fascination with beards. However short and trimmed looks best and more sophisticated. But your haircut looks like a rat's nest. Shorter and neater would certainly make you look more intelligent even if you may not be.

When I was young, many many years ago we used to swim off the rocks at the planetarium, with lifeguards there. Don't know if that is still possible.

Yu good lookin cept fer dat dumbass beard

see a hair stylist first.....................

did you just see a naked 600lb fat guy?


apparently you don't like women.........

I have found work consistently completing homes/home additions for contractors and individual owners as a side gig. I really enjoy working with homeowner clients directly.

My preference would be the Swiss Hotel. Great views, close to the river,

Of course. Then I can flirt with those 75 yo widow bitches on the course.