damn I had forgotten about those abominations, I don't even consider the later stuff to be worthy of mention lol.

It's probably not weighed that you gotta worry about, it's the whole "dead pack" thing where the Shiny ones from a booster box have been cracked already and the remaining packs that statistically will not yield anything good then get resold with a near zero chance of having anything good in them.

Maybe the universe itself is more rich with regards to its story and whatnot but the games never seemed to do what generals did. Neither did red alert but I just prefer the cold war story and the modern warfare of generals to the slightly cheesy tiberian stuff. Again, all opinion as well. I think with C&C, it depends what you grew up with, for me it was RA2 and then straight to generals in my teen years. All C&C is great though, one of the best franchises to ever exist.

generals is best but otherwise this is accurate.

Most likely because the locals will black out at the news of a bum facility going up in the area. Understandable tbh.

yellow boarder is og, I prefer it but I'm old.

regardless of the fact that musk has become a dipshit as of late that doesn't change the fact nor undo the reality that he isn't an idiot and possesses the skills that so many of you just refuse to acknowledge. creating fairy tales to describe people you dislike makes y'all look like children.

if the pool still holds water then I saw it's probably fine.

absolutely made my day 😂

my poor poor arse.

I didn't bring up race. Like you I assumed the video was actually filmed in or around Palestine however the race of the people has nothing to do with this. The majority of Palestinians fully support Hamas so to suggest that these individuals could be affiliated is absolutely not out of the question. I don't know and you don't know. That's why arguing about somebody else's problems across the planet is a huge waste of time.

did they do some shady terrorist shit after their shift yesterday? maybe maybe not. my point is we lack much information from videos like this. y'all should go outside, touch grass and stop watching this stuff on repeat.

Paid off 10 year old Lexus that needs nothing and still drives like a new car and it doesn't have some of the newer tech like turbo 4 banger or weird internet stuff. It's simple and cozy. I know it's not a super old but it's old enough to be noticeably dated.

great, make it last a year please. Current controllers are wish. com trash and break fast too often.