Coconut oil apparently only has a smoke point of 350F - I second the ideas of the oven thermometer and ensuring your oven isn’t using a convection setting also though!

Yeah I think any time multiple people are “making up” the exact same thing, you might wanna check it out

Wow it’s gorgeous! I wouldn’t have expected this to take 4 years, but I’m glad you made it to the end!

I don’t believe they’ve started the June competition just yet, I haven’t gotten my regular notification

Not to push, I’m not trying to sell you one, but you’d be surprised how much cushy stuff they build into those that make it so that you can have one in an apartment and not be at risk of your downstairs neighbours wanting to murder you due to the noise.

I mainly wanted to add to this that I started running and what helped me was getting the Libby app that gives me access to audiobooks from the library!

I find that happens a lot in Peterborough, don’t even have to be on their phone, people will just step right out into traffic without looking.

Cut a whole new piece to do 4 half stitches?! I don’t think so! Not this cross stitcher!

My bubble gun is a dinosaur! I had one in my trunk for a bit - can’t even remember why - but one day my young cousin needed to be distracted, so I brought out my emergency bubble gun! So I bought a replacement since that worked out so well! I didn’t think of using it while out and about though! Perhaps I’ll do that.

This is my guess too! Because she said she sat there with her grandma and went through it item by item. So I feel like the different measuring cup would have come up at some point. She may not have even considered that the order matters though. Her grandma probably told her the correct order, but I set the flour out right next to the oil, so I might as well add one after the other. It’s just easier that way. Meanwhile now neither of those are going to mix together. Or with anything else. No matter how long you hand mix it for. When I make banana bread it uses a cup of oil, so that doesn’t sound like a lot to me.

So if I have those little kits from magazines that come with the fabric, thread and any other bits they want you to put on it… that counts for number 4 right? That’ll be a large number. The waiting for framing one - #1 is getting up there too now. If we’re just going by #2 though, I’m low. I think only 4 and two of those are little magazine kits I brought with me on a car trip and then forgot in my bag and went back to my main WIP. The last one is a big one I thought I could do when I first started and still plan on going back to one day

That’s the same at the call center I worked at. When I was on the line, if I hit hold, I got nothing from them, but when they played the recording back, you could hear the person even though they were on hold. The computer would usually auto-skip that though when I listened with my coaches.

I agree with this! Might even add in a silly joke that doesn’t give any extra info too like “yep! Just couldn’t get enough of this place!”

Yeah, I was passenger in a car 3 or so cars behind someone who hit a pedestrian on a highway and I was jumpy about things on the road and people anywhere near any road for over a year.

This happened for me with Netflix! I got a new card, and forgot to update it on Netflix, but the charge came off anyways! I checked, they already had the new number.

Yeah, we’ve all heard the “I drive better when I’m drunk!” Argument. I’m sure if you did some experiments with an impartial judge, you’d find that’s not correct. When you’re drunk, you think you’re amazing at everything, so why would driving be an exception?

I figure, the person (yourself) telling you that you drive better drunk… is a drunk person. So why would you trust their judgement?!

Yeah the wizard on the CityWaste app just says “put it in the green bin”. In the special instructions at the bottom it just says “no doggie bags, no liner bags”

That’s a good point. The assignment itself wasn’t graded, so I wasn’t really looking at it that way, but I can still understand where that mentality would come from.

I actually really enjoyed that teacher and that class, but I often find I have a greater appreciation for my math teachers than most people in my classes. Especially if the teacher loves math. That’s infectious for me, and always makes me love the class. I sometimes find myself in situations where I’m like “what an amazing class/teacher!!” And everyone is like “I HATE THAT STUPID CLASS”

Yeah I had a math teacher who gave us a word problem about cutting circles out of a sheet of metal. Just taking the problem at face value, your first idea would be to just find out the area of the circles, and then find out how many times that fit into the area of the rectangle sheet. Easy peasy. Except little did we know, the math teacher was sitting there maniacally laughing while we figured it out so she could show us all that we forgot to take into account that these circles all had to be in circular shape to be cut out of the sheet. If you just take the area and divide it, you’ll have some circles in pieces around the edge that all add up to one circle, but it doesn’t count. So you also had to keep in mind the width of the circle and the width of the rectangle to find out how many circles actually fit in order to answer the question correctly. I hope this all makes sense, it’s easier to follow when it’s drawn out. This was her exact point though. Sometimes it’s easy to just do the math and assume it’s right, but you have to keep in mind the practicality of it. If you need 50 circles, and you think you can cut 50 because you did the math, then it’s going to ruin your day when you go to do it and find out you can actually only get 48. We definitely had some buthurt people in the class saying “well that’s not what the question asked!!” But they were just upset they missed it. We all did though, so I don’t know why they were so upset.

I’m not a big grape fan, so I went in with low expectations, but I really enjoyed it!

There’s an ice cream called “moon mist” that has banana, grape and bubble gum that’s been really popular recently

For real! I am having a hard time believing that was 11 years ago!

English is my first (and only) language, and I’ve never heard/seen that word before in my life. Don’t be so hard on yourself.

I love doing the little kits from magazines, but they send just a bundle of thread, and a key that’ll give you red, light red, very dark pink, dark pink, pink, light pink, and very light pink and just be like “ok go” my last one had apricot, orange and dark yellow. I have no idea which one was which.

Well, not currently, and not her last dog, but that’s all I know! I had never heard the phrase before she said it, I just assumed everyone said that so I never asked.

By the way, I didn’t say before, the cat is very cute, you did a great job! I’m sure only you’ll know the extent of the crookedness of its legs in the end!