Dude your muscle definition is insaaaane, well done

The greedy resellers use bots to buy up the tickets, they don’t have 1000+ individuals logging on at one time to buy them all up… I’ve seen stories about that too, artists buying up all the tickets to their own show with bots to create the illusion of popularity/scarcity

Not fans, resale bots. This is why AXS blows

Love her, look at that smile! 🥰

Same here too… my ex would randomly come up to me and put all of his body weight on me, and it hurt! He was 6’4 210 and I’m 5’6 130- and when I finally got sick of telling him nicely to stop and got mad and started pushing him off, he’d whine about how mean I was and that he was “just looking for affection” 🙄. Looking back it was clearly just a power move, nobody should need to be reminded more than once that they’re physically hurting their partner.

Ok, then your problem is more comprehension than speed. Look into active reading strategies- visualizing, summarizing, along with the other ones I named in my first comment. It’s easier to make sense of the text when you’re able to do things like summarize key points, connect it to other things, come up with questions (that might end up answered in later paragraphs), etc.

Does this happen with all reading or just those assigned texts?

Do you practice active reading? For example writing notes in the margins with questions or connections, noting/summarizing key points, etc. That can improve comprehension. Is speed/automaticity (fluency- recognizing sight words, decoding longer words or technical terms) the actual problem or is it the speed that you’re able to process what you’re reading?

Same, but also not??? It really depends… if I think something is stupid and not worth my time I don’t engage… and like 90% of the shit humans do just because it’s the way it’s always been done seems very stupid to me.

My mom used to tell me, “you’re just content to let the world pass you by!”

The Unhappy Trio!

Nope, just massaged with lotion every day and always used sunscreen!

The Unhappy Trio!

Jfc that swelling in the second pic 😱

The Unhappy Trio!

Could be where one of the screws is, I had random on/off sharp pains in that area for months. That’s what my surgeon said it was.

SPED | Vermont

Yes, I keep all the cards/notes and my favorite drawings I’ve received

God damn voice of an angel, he sounds even better live than on the recorded version

The Unhappy Trio!

Oh yeah, buckle up pal the stiffness/discomfort is going to linger for a long time, up to a year possibly longer 😭 they literally took a cheese cutter looking thing to it to harvest your new ACL. But it gets better and it does grow back!

Tbh I feel MORE like myself than I ever have since starting medication last year, mostly bc my crippling anxiety disappeared almost overnight