I love how they condemn China's "relationship" with North Korea yet the US's own little version of Best Korea (Israel) is far worse.

As someone who gets sunburn just thinking about a window with its curtains drawn I hate how this is a thing. I'd gladly swap my melanin deficiency with someone who doesn't want their beautiful brown but no, our bodies have got to be these selfish little spaceships that chuck a wobbly when everything that's the tiniest bit different tries to get near while at the same time the brain pumps out nothing but sad emojis into us because we're not that different thing.

Does anyone on this wet rock look in the mirror and actually get to think "nice."??

I kept waiting for the cops to spontaneously install a few hundred thousand speed holes into the vehicle cause an acorn fell over.

When did they learn restraint?

They do exist! Either look for Animal Technician or Laboratory Animal Assistant Roles

Years ago I would apply for them, it sounds like such a wonderful job even with the risk of seeing many dead babies and cleaning poops, but I didn't have the experience apparently, although this particular one says No Experience Required (oh those cheeky bastards!).

Anyway, they exist if y'all are keen enough to get the apparently not required necessary qualifications and experience needed.

Weird-ass mfers downvoting you probably the same ones who'd think digging trenches and walking into machinegun fire was the right thing to do because the officers told them it was. I always despised homework too, it was useless to me and never got done.

Not every child has a safe learning space at home where they can quietly work on that relentless homework, or study resources or supplies. Especially when you're at a stingy af school that doesn't let you take home supplies.

In the Dark Ages (20th century) when I was at school, my "study room" was my bed, and supplies were whatever scrap paper I could find and those little KENO pencils you get from bars where they had gambling. I got 0 for "Presentation" on basically everything I did AND I got yelled at by the teacher for being "too lazy to use a pen". BITCH you think I can get pens at home when you don't even let us take the ones from school?

I mean really! School has all the School shit! Books! Pens! Paper! Desks! Why the fudge can't we do school work in school? You know, the place that has the right environment for learning and studying! Back in the day I'd honestly rather school run to 5pm and we use that 2 hours doing "homework" in a safe space than being made to go home and somehow polish shit into gold instead.

Homework to me is just some relic, like working 9 to 5, households surviving off a single income, the husband being the breadwinner and the wife staying at home to cook and clean, groceries being 50c and the customer is always right, do I need to add more? It's old outdated bullshit. It assumes so much but takes no effort to establish those things and then those who don't have this "perfect 1950s lifestyle" fall through the cracks and get left behind or even punished because fuck them for not having a perfect cookie-cutter life.


Brings me back to my days as a postie at AusPost - we didn't use trucks, we had motorbikes with knobby tires, petrol powered, weak af, but full of torque and overloaded to the brim so those rear tires loved to dig in deep. So if you fucked with our footpaths (yes ours, we were legally the only powered vehicle allowed on them) your lawn or nature strip was getting torn up. And posties had to work in all weather, so when it rained, we made some very deep ruts around the various places people thought was "good enough" to house their mailbox.

Oh and if you parked in front of your mailbox or over the driveway? Congratulations your windshield is now the mailbox, so satisfying throwing a bundle of junkmail all over their cars and tearing off before they can get out to yell at me, they get the hint pretty quickly not to block the mailbox and if they didn't, I'd take the time to write them a little card that says "Hey, your mailbox has been deemed unsafe, have fun picking up your mail from our distribution centre for the next month or six until we can be arsed to send a safety inspector over to deem your mailbox "safe" again."

I was petty af as a postie.

MTG needs to be put in a cage already, I can't believe they just keep putting up with her shenanigans like this.

The point is though that companies genuinely will alter things to suit Chinese audiences.

And how many scenes were altered or movies/episodes outrighted banned because they featured two prominent buildings in the NYC skyline up until Sept 2001? Lilo and Stitch even removed an Aircraft because it triggered US audiences. Oh and let's not forget the all the times they swap a character's gender because they can't have "The Gay" on their screens! Was that a nipple I saw? Better ban the entire franchise!

Companies change things all over the place for various regions all the time for all sorts of reasons, but it's always China who becomes the west's whipping boy when it comes to crying over censorship.

After watching the series Alone for a while, it seems like it's possible - biggest issue is finding enough calories/vitamins/minerals/proteins on your island/off the grid paradise.

No no, quit being ignorant. If it works for Israel, why can't it work for the English too? They steal artifacts, so it was only a matter of time before they stole dogma too.

Everyone gather round, let's all feel bad for the English! Let them commit a genocide or several because they stubbed their toe this one time and they tell us it really hurt, so any subsequent pain and suffering and outright murder caused by them after that point is totally justified.

I think you need to do a little more research into the era and the history if that's your take. 1930s Germany didn't just wake up one day and think "Time to be evil!" and kept doing it until the United States came and spanked them for it. The nuances of politics and world events are far more complex than "Let's vote for the bad guy this time" and you must realise that you're looking back on that period through the looking glass made by the victors who got to write the story of these "monsters" you so eagerly believe in.

You didn't get to experience those interesting times as they happened but I can give you a modern day example - I'm assuming your narrow viewpoint on the rise of fascism in 1930s Germany means that you are from the United States and it is really surprising you've got this viewpoint when one of your own people in power are basically trying to set up their own fascist regime, albeit poorly and at times verbatim copied from the Monster's handbook but it's unfortunately working for a worrying portion of your population. You see how easy it is to sway people, power, and politics with the right nuances in play?

Does that make them all evil? All monsters? Even the ones who didn't vote for them but get stuck in a country that does? Does that mean you give us consent to come and murder every one of you once the dust settles from that fiasco? Or would you like us to give some of that sympathy instead?

(because kids are stupid sometimes)

I wish this was posted on a huge sign above every maternal ward ever, every birth certificate ever, every childcare centre, every preschool, every school, every toy, tv, advertisement, just fcking everywhere.

I love one of the responses on TripleJ were something like "I don't like Beetroots, so I vote to have them banned from all supermarkets!"

That's basically this. If they don't like it, don't read/buy it. Simple. Don't force their batshit insane views onto the rest of the world cause they can't be fucked to parent.


I do not consent to reading or replying to your comment. Why are you making me reply to your comment?! I do not consent to this reply or reading about not according to your 58th amendment rights!

Shared autonomous cars

People in my building can't even share an elevator, a smooth steel box they barely spend 10-20 seconds inside without making the thing manky af and that's with it being cleaned twice a week. I'd hate to see what they'd do to a smaller place that they spend much longer inside that's also covered with porous and absorbent soft materials.


Pisses me off so much that people kill trees for the most asinine of reasons. I'd go walking along the beach paths and see sign after sign from the council to the tune of "These Trees have been poisoned and we're investigating the issue you naughty people you, pretty please don't be mean to trees or we'll be forced to post another sign!"

It's just such a weak and sad response to what should be a jail-time offence. They kill a tree "for a view" they should not be allowed to enjoy that "view" one tiny bit.

That or they should just go out to said trees with a protractor, mark every house that could possibly "benefit" from killing off the tree "for the view" and fine them hundreds and thousands of dollars to replace the tree or replace it with a Wind turbine or something to offset the environmental damage they did. Neighbours will be really quick to start protecting trees and forget about "ocean views" when they realise a single dead tree will bankrupt or jail them.

Anyway, fuck people that kill native trees.

I get that, but I feel that the smaller jar, like it grounds the even in reality, adds to the wholesomeness of the whole thing, the vuvuzela as a megaphone, the tiny stool, his orange beanie, it's all homebrew stuff, it's simple and quaint and makes me smile even more.

If he showed up with banners and fireworks and a stage, sponsors and the biggest jar money could buy, it would have hit way differently and turned it into an olympics-type thing where he's now some elite cheeseball eating athlete and we're just watching. I feel that making it more quaint showed he was just one of us normal plebs doing something great (which was sharing the love of the moment, not the amount of cheeseballs they ate).

Honestly, it will be interesting seeing what happens next year, if cheeseball guy keeps it humble or it goes full event. I know I'd rather it stay simple.

Aus has Costcos, but they don't let you in the door without a membership.

But in Aus we do have Bunnings who will will sell you rope (and a sausage) without needing a membership.

Hear me out 

But fr, ever since I saw those trucks with giant pillows on the front (not pictured) they use in Tunnels to get broken down vehicles tf out of there before they cause a Daylight, I've thought that big vehicles need those things. I mean trains get them for cows and we have to be honest, most SUV drivers out there couldn't hold a candle to a cow's intelligence.

Some drivers are just too dopey around large commercial vehicles and we need a way to gently nudge them out of the way when they do a whoopsie. It's way too easy for people to weaponize their 1-tonne death cubes, so this is just a way for the bigger fish gently pat them to the side and be like "Hey, that's enough road use for you today, you need to chill on the side for a while and let the adults do their jobs now."

I'm not sure is worse now, having to remember what gender the fridge is or having to remember what origin is behind the word so you can ignore how it's written and pronounce it another way.

Okay so the English stole a French word then get upset when the English don't pronounce it the French way?

Nah, you're good. I get there are some rules, but actually this is a mind-opener, English being a mix of other languages, no wonder some of the rules contradict other rules.

Just frustration to me that a language can in one instance be like "PINEAPPLE" and then also be like "Cai = Quay = Kee".

No offense English but if you want people to say "kee" how about making the word look like "kee" and not quay?

So sick of these dumb ass English words having all these junk letters that only make "sense" in this one context of that one word and then people getting all butthurt when other people pronounce it as written. English is a slang language, there's no proper anything to it. People acting like English has rules and proper-ways is like putting on a tux and going to eat McDonalds in the Whitehouse.