Most butters would burn you at the stake for holding this perspective. If you copy paste this exact post in their sub you’ll cause an uproar at a minimum.

If it’s 5% savings account I’ll cry

A loan from a complete and total pump account. If only I could ever meet the OP I’d finally unravel the mystery of why so many accounts like this exist

For poker table humor this is light, my advice is don’t play live if this triggers you.

The capital management leaves a lot to be desired. No investments that’s just a big pile of rotting cash.

I mean it obviously makes sense that all laws that list dollar amounts should be anchored to inflation so the logic of the law rewrite is sound it just shouldn’t be something that should be said for obvious PR issues. There’s thousands of laws from ten plus years ago that have a dollar amount listed. All that made sense at the time all are out of scale with the reality of today thanks to inflation.

People in private equity have spent their whole career in how to inflate numbers to dump to the public. There’s teams and ceos that are then responsible for turning a company around from the private equity dump into successful public companies. So his words are not wrong they just need a good ceo of bitcoin to take over from the pump. At this stage of a companies life it depends more on how they can take advantage of public out loans using their shares at leverage so they can create new growth opportunities like acquiring new companies or investing in r and d.

They all work at different hedge funds

I can’t believe you waste your time with plo6 why haven’t you moved to plo7

I agree with you. You never know how all the sensors in modern cars will be after any impact. I love the new safety features and fear for anyone without ample capital for driving accidents and how they can impact their lively hoods

But they give the player small advantages in play like blackjack paying 3:2 splits doubles and hitting soft 18 vs dealer 10

Once I get to 50 million I suppose I could let one days income go

I have friends to this day who will say the graphics from the early 2000s is the peak of computer graphics. I mean anyone can have their preference but on every measurable metric they are incorrect.

I never thought it was the new definition for cinema, just the novelty is a lot stronger then ones before you are referencing

The camera doesn’t do it justice. While it’s still a screen like anything the presentation in person is different. Consider videos from the oculus or Apple headset vs using them. They are just screens but the distance and how much of your vision it encompasses creates the effect in a meaningful way

Also you’re categorically wrong. Legally you don’t deserve to do what you want with your money. For example you can’t give it to foreign entities that want to harm your nation or use it to start criminal enterprises.

OK you deserve the right to give away your money. I guess I wasn’t expecting that perspective. You’re right

I’m to say. You can gamble and buy lottery tickets nobody cares. But don’t claim you could potentially make money. You’re a gambler and it’s not going to remain in your control. Have fun enjoy the swings don’t say you’re trying or deserve the money you’re playing with.

With a thought process like that you have more money than you deserve.

I like how you said the opposite of Cramer and Wood, two people who are polar opposites of investing styles

Eat my shorts

I can afford to be naked thanks to shorting

Wow he 3bet c bet and called. Nobody could have done it

Having to deal with the superstitions of the neighbors