But look! It’s driving on a dirt surface! Hardcore off-roading!

They won’t answer. And they are pretending like their content is original in the comments.

“Much much cheaper than anywhere else”

Fucking blatant lies. Unreal!

Call Jon Stewart and beg him to replace me as the candidate.

Surely it was just a presidential act that was necessary for the security of America.

It’s getting worse than that. Many of them consider voting for democrats proof of pedophilia.

I think they’re just joking that it looks like a very large grave is there.

I’ve always been disappointed by Canadian tire hot dogs. They smell amazing but then I get one and it’s kind of meh.

You laugh, but I guarantee you any crime Biden commits will be ruled "not an official act of the presidency" and any crime Trump commits while president will be ruled "an official act" by SCOTUS.

Ignoring the fact that they got it completely wrong, I just don't get why people care. If you don't like it, can't you just scroll passed it, not watch it, etc? I can understand if you take a woman home from the bar one night and get her naked and she has a penis being upset about that, but that's not what's happening here.

Why do folks consider "men dressing as women" such a threat to humanity?

To be fair, you could climb it. It would just be really easy to do.

They are more manipulative than stupid. But your point stands.

Seems they’re trying to anyway.

This is what I’ve been saying lately too. It’s not about boycotting anymore. It’s about just avoiding places that have overpriced groceries.

But apparently we’re all being anti Canadian by being wise shoppers. It’s all “free market this” and “free market that” until it’s not convenient for our corporate overlords. Then the shoppers are “misguided” and it’s the suppliers that are to blame (even though the exact same products are less expensive elsewhere).

You are delusional. He spent the night with kids several times. Shared porn with them. A kid knew he had a birthmark on the under side of his penis. Then when he couldn't draw it exactly how it was it was somehow proof he was lying.

If he knew there was a birthmark at all there, that is more than enough proof than I need to be convinced he was a pedo.

Michael Jackson was a pedophile, and I don't care how much this gets downvoted.

And I would say there are plenty of other common issues there should be recalls for first. Like the trunk that can cut a kid's fingers off for instance.

i CaN'T GeT a GiRLFRieND BeCauSe oF BiDeN aND WoKeNeSS!!!!1

$10.47 for 2kg at wal-mart. Literally double the product for substantially less.

... but it's the suppliers that are to blame!

Because it's wildly inappropriate in a family setting - most families anyway. Their bikini bottoms were covering almost nothing. It was basically fucking dental floss.

Some people are less comfortable around that kind of shit than you.

This could be it... I can remember two family members of my wife that were 15 and 17 at the time showing up to the pool at MiL's house with bikinis that basically had their entire ass cheeks hanging out. It was incredibly awkward for everyone. The 17 year old laid down to tan with her ass facing up. I was sitting poolside chatting with the rest of the family and made sure I positioned my chair in such a way that her ass wasn't in my peripheral vision.

A chat was later had by MiL and SFiL, the two teens and their mom and dad that this was inappropriate. They scoffed and were annoyed, but they never showed up to a family event like that again.

There's no way I could have ever found an appropriate way to question their choice of bathing suit. So I could easily see how the dad in this scenario by OP may have innocently bumbled this.

Oh man... my SiL's husband's parents bought my nephews a horse for Christmas this year. It was done without any conversation with the kids or the parents. Now they're upset because my SiL doesn't want the horse and neither to the kids. They're also upset at the kids that don't want to take care of the horse. When I heard about this, I was like "wtf? So they got the kids crippling responsibility for Christmas? That's insane."

I never really thought about how much money it would be to take care of a horse. That makes it so much worse.

Honestly, what a stupid fucking decision. If you're ever going to buy someone a horse, ask them if they would WANT a horse first!