Then you have to say "Fuck Boston" three times in the mirror.

Does your organization use Slack or Teams? There are integrations for those applications that would allow you to do this from there. You'd still have to remember to punch in and out, but at least most employees have those applications open all day and if I'm not mistaken Slack has reminder features.


Let me just throw this out there. I'm 5'2", have receding hair, and my dick is definitely below average in size. I have the most loving woman a guy could ask for despite all that.

If I can do it, you can do it.

You've gotta love yourself before anyone else can love you. It's a matter of confidence. Fuck all the noise, focus on you for a while, and find what makes you happy. The rest will come when it comes.

I'm not a fan of Jeff's, to be honest. To the point I don't really watch the show mostly because of him. He seems to be trying too hard.

Oh, I know. Just calling out the idiocy of it.

Hate seems like too strong a word for any TV personality that we only see pieces of.