At my age I have so many points in time that I regret. So so many.

From a physical perspective i think at 29 I should have counter steered harder. I impacted at 75mph and nothing was ever the same after that.

Couple girls I would not have said hello to. Good way to waste a decade or two in toxic freefall.

There are so many things in life that alter your tragectory. I mean no one really knows where you are supposed to end up but looking back at the painful parts makes you wonder if any other choice in that moment would have resulted in something better.

After a few years of hard work, you can grow it into a drug empire.

Add for some reason keeping your arms motionless when you walk is a gay male sway.

Age? Height? Weight?

You are going to have to change patterns. Diet patterns for sure and you are going to have to get it off the house and move, no matter how much it sucks. It will get easier. If you are this bad then maybe it's time to bring in professional help, therapists for both mental and physical.

I either order stuff I know I can take home, order a protein low carb style (this is where the carb counting mentality happens, what is the best bang for the buck, it used to be calories but now it's "I know I can only eat X amount, how do I maximize the pleasure factor"), or salads.

I don't know where you are at but I've never seen a physical test in this area in the last 25+ years.

You already got a lot of good advice in other comments about strength so I won't bother but as much as you need strength to lift a sandbag, when you lift people it's more about technique and resource management, which is why I say don't stress about it. You'll be fine.

Vein Porn

It's a real thing. Anyone in EMS or nursing can confirm.

Obligatory "I could stick him with a 12 from across the room."

Are we just going to ignore how hard it is to get obliques like the ones he's pulling down for?

I can't say for certain why older women do it but I can tell you why older men don't... Because even the most sincere compliment with nothing but the best intentions will get you called a creep, or worse.

Right now it sounds like you don't know what you don't know. I would look for hardware developer or R&D position in a larger company so that you can see how all the pieces fit together. Your perspective is going to change a lot once you see how the design process works in real life. Many large companies have IRAD and research wings that you can try to move towards. Worse case you get a better idea of what you actually want to do.

Let the company pay for your masters and PhD. There are plenty of good online PhD programs if you don't find something local. My Alma Mater would have been happy to collect 6k per class for 5 years for my PhD but I found a local state school that had a program at 1/3 the price and only mandated 8 courses with 1 credit research after that. So it was worth it financially to switch schools for it.

You need some experience before you can really assess where you want to end up. I would go to industry unless your dream position falls into your lap.

You really can learn a lot by just running or doing the elliptical and watching how people use the machines, how people "workout", the stretching and AB routines over in the floor area. It takes a lot of the mystery out of it for a newbie.

My company pays new college grads with MSEE about 80k. At 7 years you should be an L4 and breaking 6 figures.

We can't fill positions.

You should always get in better shape. Even if you are in good shape, you should be in better shape.

The one thing you can do without changing a damn thing is get your diet in order. Exercise is great for general health but it honestly doesn't burn as many calories as people like to think so your weight gain is less about the lower activity and more about the shit diet. You can get that under control without leaving the house, completely within your control.

There are so many $10 a month gyms around it's ridiculous. If you want to join a gym you can look at that option. If you are doing better financially maybe bite the bullet and find a CrossFit place, that adds the community element. They are pricy for unknown reasons but are generally fun and hit all the areas you need to workout. If you are in a metro area you could do the 2 weeks free trial at a bunch of places and maybe get a couple months of workouts in for free by going place to place.

Look into a local boxing, Muay Thai, or kyokushin dojo. That will put hair on your chest.

You can force yourself to blast through the symptoms through sheer willpower but solving the disease is another thing entirely. Some people find things that work for them (exercise, running, hobbies, etc.) But long term you really should be looking into meds and therapy.

You can buy stocks, crypto, property, all sorts of things with a Roth IRA and it's tax free at the end of just take loans against it and pay yourself back. The parent or person in charge of the child account can exercise all of these transactions. Yes it needs to be income but it isn't hard to validate 6k worth of income at 17. That can also include money paid for work at home that isn't considered "allowance" or standard chores as well as gifts. My accountant said that even small children can put the money in (someone does it in their behalf) and it is rarely, if ever, a problem.

The boyfriend is the real hero in this story and it sounds like when it needed to happen, he took care of business quickly and without a lot of fuss. Can you imagine being in a relationship with this psychopath? Holy shit. What if you didn't figure her out until 2 or 3 years down the road? Dude dodged a missle. Good for him.

They don't actually test you unless there is a problem. In reality you rarely have to lift that heavy and if you do, just call for fire for lift assist. Picking things up and doing CPR are what firemen are for.

This isn't anything worth stressing over.

Did they teach you how to lift patients by locking their arms and coming from the back? I swear I could lift a thousand pounds that way. So much easier than dead weight carries.

There is nothing you are going to show then that will even make them blink twice. I guarantee they have seen 10,000x worse.

You could look around for "gentle dentistry" practices. They generally cater to the nervous nellies. The other ones could too but the ones who advertise specifically to the nervous people are shopping for a specific demographic. See if there is anything in your area.