Propaganda != lies though.

It can be both true and propaganda.

Trump is a child molester/rapist/fraud/cheat/wannabe dictator/philanderer.

Man, if you think Biden is crooked, wait until you hear about the other guy!


Well I was banned permanently from r/worldnews for this comment: 

And when I asked why and which rule I broke, I got no reply until my 3rd attempt, and that was met with nothing more than a 7 day mute.

After it ended I sent another message which said I'd like to appeal and again, asked for future reference which rule was broken and got a 28 day mute. No rule was ever cited, and I read them carefully.

*To whoever decided to just down vote this, care to explain which rule was broken?

And if the banned person, in fact, broke no written rules?

What should happen when a mod bans you from a popular sub, but refuses to tell you which, if any, rule you broke and mutes you when you ask for an appeal or explanation? Like the mods of r/worldnews, for example?


Is that so, AdjectiveNounNumber?

*Edit: He changed "racist" to "fascist"

A single issue voter who only cares about something affecting them personally? Sounds like you're already a conservative.

No, it's just how it works here. We had a primary in 2019 and Biden won. He wasn't my (or I assume your) choice, but he did. He's now the incumbent. The incumbent is the nominee unless he steps aside. Apparently he's considering it though:

statute of limitations had passed or something.

No, Trump cultist harassed her and sent the family death threats, so they dropped it and went into hiding.

Yes, parties have chosen candidates several times in the past. Just not recently.

No time for primaries- someone needs to be nominated before the convention to appear on the ballots of all 50 states. I'd vote for a dead toad over Trump though.

This isn't a race between Trump and Biden (or whoever.) It's a race between a semi dictatorship with a man choosing cronies and who thinks he's above the law with a complicit judiciary vs, well, the status quo for 4 more years at least.

Any news you don't pay for, you're what's being sold. I'm a fan of Mother Jones and have been a paid subscriber for years.

You're making Clarence Thomas so hard right now.

But they do speak Russian you dweeb.

Good one comrade. Happy one month anniversary on reddit!

They literally stand for nothing. They'll compromise on any espoused value to win, at any time.

You could get a different job if yours required it and you didn't want to. Not travel or go to those schools. Not forced.

Who forced you? Are they in the room with us now?

Years ago I told my kids- you should always vote for someone, not against someone. I was wrong. We need to vote against Trump, no matter what you think if Biden he's the only hope we've got now. Trump is promoting the idea of military tribunals against Pence, McConnell and Cheney now. People who have said they will vote for him. What happens after that?