You are thinking from only your perspective.

Imagine your girlfriend tells you she’s meeting a new guy friend for lunch. You ask, “How’d yall meet?” She replies, “Well, we were having good conversation and we felt a genuine connection, he asked me out but I told him I had a boyfriend, so we’re gonna be friends.”

That’s not something she is ever gonna do and you wouldn’t want your girl like that either.

The truth of the situation is, you probably weren’t picking up on her cues of not being romantically interested in you. Even if she was trying to be your friend, you clearly read her wrong and thought it could be more. You just ruined things by asking.

For example, don’t be the guy who proposes to their girlfriend without being 100% certain the answer will be yes. Meaning, you’ve discussed it at different times and even window shopped rings together before.

Do not ask someone out unless you’re 100% certain she’ll say yes. That means you’ve already learned about the personal life through natural conversation, including her relationship status.

How can you be asking a girl out before even knowing if she’s 100% single or not?

Obviously, but I don’t like breaking the 4th wall when analyzing shows. Also, knowing they weren’t bringing her back/writing her off. Would have been better to do it a million other ways. I get they had to do it where we didn’t see it happen. But maybe just pay her for the job and do it right instead…

How about there being no repercussions for Sarah ditching LJ with kidnappers and her not giving Michael or Lincoln any warning/heads up... You’d think Lincoln would have had at least one convo about it with her… she put LJ at great risk by not saying anything to them and had no concern for his safety.

IMO, the show kinda goes down hill once Mahones takes out Tweener. As viewers were just too hooked to notice until we’re deep into the Sona plot. Once they “took out” Sarah in the most ridiculous and unstrategic way, I woke up. They should have been sending pieces before just sending the head box.

They bad guys would also have to assume Sarah would tell them she got out. So really bad plan on their part to fake the head box…

You should shit on the driveway while he’s passed out drunk and then when he wakes up tell him a neighbor called to tell you they saw him do it. You’re completely embarrassed and somethings gotta change.

Bellick was corrupt and in charge. Abruzzi got many perks from him. No one wants to look a gift horse in the mouth. The devil you know, etc. Abruzzi needed to be in charge of the work crew. It made him important. Bellick allowed that and much more…

It always comes down to being drafted by a team with a good GM and an owner willing to spend. Heaven forbid you don’t get drafted to a team like that, then you are stuck and can’t be great cause fans will call your next team a super one. I truly dont understand the logic of your argument.

Kareem and Magic are both consider top 5 all time, but that’s not a super team. Kobe and Shaq are both considered top 10 all time, but again, that’s not a super team.

Name a championship team Lebron was on that has another Top 10 all time talent… you can’t.

New media deal increases max to $95M a year. He should wait 1 more season until that has hit.

Paramount+ for streaming. He guest stars in an episode. Does really well.

Anyone else a bit sad to see how old Abruzzi looked in that 1923 show?! :/

Sarah’s dad, the governor. Could have really helped but didn’t care until they took VP away.

The other member of the top 75 players of all time list, Dennis Rodman. Also, Steve Kerr was a shooter that Ray Allened a championship for Jordan. Last Dance really highlighted that since Pippen’s contract was so unbelievably low, it allowed them to have the deepest/highest paid bench in the league. Sometimes Super can come in different ways…

So you’re saying the season after Jordan left is so good cause they rebuilt the roster and improved it (minus no Jordan), meaning when Jordan came back it was even better? Sounds pretty super to me.

Closer to the top position/the power than she would have been if she let Ken win…

Margot only wins if she plays a role which she has to be ugly and/or fat. Especially if she gains the weight for the role for real. That’s why she didn’t get the nod for Barbie. They viewed it as a type cast. Ryan on the other hand has played a million types of roles and wouldn’t be the first actor to come to most of our minds for Ken. It was out of his comfort zone and he absolutely killed it.

Move to a state with little to no property tax (SC for example) and buy a house all in for $1.2M. Keep another $200k for a car and your first year of retired living.

With the other $5M open 30 bank accounts at FDIC insured banks and hunt down the best 20 CDs at roughly 4-5% each year.

You are now making $200k to $250k a year of insured income and living in a $1M house.

Sounds retired enough for me.

I didn’t realize you were allowed to have disagreements with the head chef. I thought you could only say, “Yes Chef!”