I got the game on Xbox 360 day 1. I tried online that week and made the character, but it was so damn laggy I couldn’t stand it.

Just a reminder that artist has outed herself as another artist known for their CP art. FunsexyDB is Glassfish.

Eat Defeat? Eat Da feet? And I know Gail Kim used it before Michin too.

The police can never get you because there’s no murder weapon left behind and you weren’t even there when the guy got hit by a small explosion


Y’all forgetting that the Village Elder or Shaman whatever isn’t even in Bio-Broly. He’s in Broly Second Coming.

Edit: I was wrong, he’s in both

I’m betting on Gable, and to cash it in on the intercontinental title match later in the night. I don’t think the build for Bron v Sami has been enough to warrant a title change, and I don’t think Bron is ready for his first main roster loss yet. Plus there’s been a recent string of Bron’s matches that got interrupted anyway.

Also, this would do well to legitimize the idea of cashing in on midcard titles, and further push that the intercontinental has been brought to a higher prestige like Gunther claims it has been.

Because they’re jealous of Gohan.

I wouldn’t consider Danny a dancing clown. I’m not too savvy with their whole “sports entertainer or wrestler” storyline they had for that, but it served as a way to get him focused and make his comeback in the match. I understood it as a way to get the underdog to stop thinking of himself that way.

I actually think Danny is on a similar track as Seth Rollins was back during Shield days. He’s on the way up, he just doesn’t have a faction that’s as over as Shield was. But the fans love him, he’s getting better all the time. I think he’s got the potential to be a long standing icon if he and the company last long enough.

Worst case, they tell us they’ve been too generous with stones lately and subtract 5 from every Global account.

Nah nah nah. Anxiety just didn’t know she was evil. Literally hiring an imagination squad to come up with all the worst case scenarios to motivate Riley into “being better” whatever that was supposed to be is master manipulator type shit.

My dad called those squashed guys “tomato cans”.

How are fans supposed to draw a dime to the business? They ARE THE DIME

Maybe towards the end, but in January when Orton punted Mr. McMahon before the rumble people were actually upset with him. And I don’t remember if this happened before he SA’d Stephanie but after everything Vince did even by 2009 the fact that people could boo his attacker just speaks volumes to how great Orton is as a psycho heel.

Shit like that is what conditioned me to expect feuds to never take a break and come back later. To me it was like feuds didn’t ever stop until one guy got absolutely massacred by a stipulation match.

Look at what you’ve done. Now this dudes been sent into the future, and not only is WWE still the wrestling powerhouse it is today, but they used cloning technology to bring back Lesnar and Goldberg

Every time someone brings up this game I remember back to being like 10 playing this series on the Xbox. I played through 2 first because that’s the first one I found at GameStop. It’s a lot more action horror so I thought I’d love the first.

My god the first game was strictly survival horror it felt like. I probably got to the first or second monster before some creepy ass music scared me so hard I found a broken elevator to go hide in. I saved the game and never came back to it.

Honestly I’m surprised they’ve been putting out high quality content since The Boys started. Just like around 2019 Amazon Prime decided to get series and put out more great shows.

Who’s to say being thrown into the Sun would have killed Majin Buu? If Vegeta was a planet buster at only 10k power level, is it possible that Frieza was a star killer at 1 million?