So your mom is an owl, too? Or are you a different animal classification than your Mom? Because y'all could make headlines in the zoology journals!

That sounds great! Thanks!

RN πŸ•

There's a point to this ramble. Old sage here.

There's a movie called The Shawshank Redemption. It's a classic and personal favorite.

(Yes, I know many people know the movie, but if you don't know the movie, please take some personal time and watch it.)

Red, the main character and narrator, is released from prison on parole. A stepping point to get them adapted to society is to get a job as a grocery worker (stocking, bagger). The character is shown working and gets the attention of the boss and asks, "Restroom break, boss?"

The boss beckons Red over and tells him he doesn't need to ask "every time he needs to take a piss."

Later, Red says, "40 years I've been asking permission to piss. I can't squeeze a drop without say-so."

So the point of my rambling is, as humans, we should be trusted to be able to go to the bathroom when we need to get our business done. It's not like a factory job where the assembly line requires everyone to be in their place, and even most factory jobs have a restroom break.

As a nurse, I do find that over the years, my bladder was able to hold on a bit better. Then I had kids, and my bladder control was compromised. Then I got older, and my bladder and bowel control just does whatever the heck it wants. Pelvic floor therapy does help, but just like all exercises, you have to keep doing it.

So when I have to go, I go. Then I get back to work (after proper handwashing, lol).

In the late 80s-90s, there was a trend of "soap opera names". They were characters on TV dramas and sometimes sitcoms: Dylan, Logan, Peyton, Eden, Reed...

This is great! What colors did you use? It looks black/dark and gray/light. The contrast on colors could really up the strobe effect!

Please don't start. Ingrown hairs from shaving are difficult on that area of the chest. I've heard...

OP, I hope your health is improving.

I guess "everything is bigger in Texas"? :)

VIP is a status that can be bestowed on many different people. It's all about who you know up the chain or who you know in the community (news/journalists, politicians, business owners, etc ).

The VIP designation is painful to workers because sometimes the powers that use their power will initiate a move of a "regular" patient to a "normal" room to make way for the VIP in the nicer room. It's really heartbreaking to upend someone for a no-good reason. (For perspective, a "good" reason is to transfer to a lower acuity unit or to discharge a patient.)

I do love when a random patient gets one of the nicer rooms. Their smile just makes the moment of welcome so nice.

RN πŸ•

First of all, no. Absolutely not. Not on my license, and not on my livelihood.

Second of all, if one of my coworkers raised their voice at me (or any of my fellow coworkers), we are going into the office with the charge nurse, supervisor on duty, or director/manager. That kind of aggression is Absolutely Uncalled For.

I couldn't even buy anything at Dollar Tree since it's Dollar, twenty-five tree, now....

Can/would you tell us where your Grandma was from in Pennsylvania (region/town), and is the heritage Pennsylvania Dutch, or Italian, or otherwise? May help to narrow down the recipe.

Oh, she's one of my favorites. I use a similar recipe from Better Homes & Gardens.

"Hello, hello! Freesamplebourbonchicken! Freesamplebourbonchicken! You come over here, special riceornoodle!"

{Devil in Spring by Lisa Kleypas} has a blancmange recipe that is surprisingly cute with the story. :)

Wouldn't it be fun to compile a RomanceBooks Community Cookbook with these?

RN πŸ•

TIL there are scrub overalls! No more pants pulling up!

RN πŸ•

It's really a kindness to others. I used to work at a call center where we shared a workstation. When our shift was over, we signed off our phone and made the switch within 60 seconds. There's no reason we can't do that for this job (except report takes a bit longer).

RN πŸ•

You hope there is some truth to it. I know so many times paper or things are dropped, ripped, stripped during a trauma or code, and they are ignored and thrown away. I know the times I have been involved in accidents, although I love my family, I can't see myself finding a piece of paper and writing instrument to write a note. I'm more in the fight or flight.

RN πŸ•

20 years, here. When I've run behind, I get my stuff gathered up, stop the tasks (charting or patient tasks not directly on the patient, like a cleanup), give report, and finish the task, then "hide" somewhere to chart. I'm all for the previous shift to get out of the way for the oncoming shift to get started.

If they are still getting labs, were they scheduled, or stat? Our scheduled labs are released to draw about 4-6 hours prior to the shift ending.

A local bakery makes a Sand Tart, but the cookie is darker, chewy, and they top it with a meringue (I think). I wonder if there are many variations of Sand Tarts? Yours look very tasty!

Oh, okay!

I've gone down a Sarina Bowen rabbit hole on Libby. I started with the (two?) hockey series ({Brooklynaire by Sarina Bowen} was first), and then now True North! There's so many crossing stories!