
I have a cavapoo (or potentially cockapoo? He’s a rescue) and the one thing I will warn you is that they seem to have a lot of energy.

I mean A LOT.

Maybe my guy is an outlier, but he can literally do a half marathon a day and be a happy camper. (we hiked 14 miles on Monday, 9 miles on Tuesday, and 8 miles yesterday so ask me how I know.)

If I don’t walk him at least 5 miles most days, he’s literally staring at me from a corner lol. It works out most days because I love to walk, but it can be very exhausting. Once I start running again, he will be an awesome running buddy too. So just FYI.

ETA: mine LOVES people too - and he’s pretty freaking cute so everybody usually likes him back. I met so many people when I was up in Bar Harbor this past week who loved on him - it’s a great way to have positive interactions with strangers ☺️

God that’s so true - quality has really gone downhill

❤️ I love that you cherish them

That’s a good point. It’s like the copy is trying to flatter us because we’re “so busy and important” that replacing towels is just too much on top of everything else. I hate that part of our society where we compete on how busy we all are for social status. I got out of that game a long time ago.

Damn that’s some serious longevity

I line dry everything I can!! It’s cheaper, better for the environment, and better for clothes.

Wow - the amazing power of detergent 🤣

1537 days

❤️ I understand - here’s to your reboot!

Big towel lolllll who would that be I wonder 💭 Macys?

1537 days

I know that feeling! I decided not to get nonalcoholic beer/wine today at the store because I was worried that it would cause a relapse. A little to on the nose for my cravings right now. For me its about loneliness, and I’m dealing with a lot of that at the moment. But I will not drink with you tonight and tomorrow, too!!

1537 days

Right there with ya - sober tomorrow and a hike planned bright and early on the 5th with my dog. This will help keep me focused tomorrow night - want to beat the heat and a hungover fifth is no way to get out early!!