Yaaaaaay! Welcome to 40 girl!!!

Booooooooooo, summer! 🥵

I’m just a huge electric guitar fan and I saw him live with Steve Winwood several years ago and they were SO GODDAMNED GOOD. I connect deeply with the music itself, but I can’t support an artist who says the things Clapton has for many many years.

My family had a lady German Shepherd named Grizzly when I was little! It’s a great name.

Two syllables that end in an “ee” sound are the catchiest! My kitties always learn their names super fast. Besides my cat Garth, that is…

Healdsburg is the hub of the Dry Creek, Alexander, and Russian River Valleys. It’s the perfect place for dinner!

Pro Tip: Bring a bottle of local wine with you to dinner, and many restaurants in Healdsburg will offer a discounted or even free corkage rate!

Oooh, Sbragia is a good one. Great view, and I had their industry picnic lunches they do/used to do on Fridays. SUCH GOOD FOOD.

I’m OBSESSED with Marshall’s/TJ Maxx. I find pretty much my entire wardrobe there!

UGH I’ve been such a massive Clapton fan for so many years and it’s a bummer having read so many awful things about him on Reddit. I can’t listen to him anymore!

Super entertaining show! It was formerly called Fuck Boy Island (but it would have been the Fuck Girl Island version). I’m also a longtime huge Nikki Glaser fan so I love that she hosts and produces!

Insufferable 🙄

It made me feel worse 😩 I was devastated when they stopped treatments.

Omg mine’s April 20th! And I love Pietro 😭

Idk why but “anybody else’s Eric” is making me laugh 😂

Yes, this kills me every day! And no amount of removing them will help. Ever. 😡

Also on Vyvanse (as of maybe a year or so ago?), and it has affected my appetite and food noise DRASTICALLY. I can sit through hunger if I need to. I can go almost all day only having coffee, a protein drink, and a small snack (I get the rest of my cals in for dinner). There were so, so, so many years of my life where I literally could not stop thinking/worrying about food. When I was going to eat next, what I was going to eat, wanting to eat constantly. It is the complete opposite now. I also get full way faster!

OMG HI FELLOW NINER FAN!!! I’m obsessed with this!!! Did you follow a pattern?