zipdj is another pretty good pool. you can find a promo code online and get unlimited downloads

I immediately knew what it was and it looks really good!

the thing is - a lot of people are exalted with WSG and AB already so theres really no reason to do them

after they finished cleaning the carpet - does it leave a faint of old water smell? I'm looking for some new carpet cleaners

I would go with the DDJ-FLX4 if you can budget it. You will outgrow the DDJ-200 very quickly.

Lex is dope! Getting my 2nd tattoo from him in a few months

yup! i should probably update my post so people know the fix ha. thats what they did and fixed it

Nice! Good to hear ha. I went with a nitro for my first board. Should be here this week

That was the plan too! Going in tomorrow. Ty

Need help with binding sizes

I recently bought ride lassos in size 7.5 so I'm wondering what binding size I should get? Do I go with small or size up to mediums? And do I follow the same general rule for other bindings?

how bad was the transition for you? ive been renting a Rossignol board and was looking to a get a salomon sight or nitro prime soon.

The Rossignol exp board states its a rocker/camber/rocker profile which is similar to the salmon sight?

The lug nuts needed to be tightened

someone was saying they dont really care about rows/seating? within reserved section its also GA? It will be my first time up close as well

yeah ive pretty much covered all the areas of red rocks from other shows except the very front. Very excited for this one! Thanks for all the answers!

i see. so technically if you have reserved seating, you can be anywhere in the reserved section?

have you ever sat in rows 1-7? i got a seat number 12/13 and was wondering if im gonna be very far off to the left

i managed to get row 4 but my seats are 12 and 13. Am i gonna be super far off to the side? First time being up this close :D