AD gets traded to the Spurs for whatever picks, Bronny learns whatever overseas language that he goes plays for and Lakers lands a disgruntled start in Giannis to pair without another disgruntled star like a Booker.

Multiple in-season tournament championship

Danny Ainge is that one manager in fantasy sport that vetoes everyone trades but convinces everyone to accept his trade.

I say depends. If you are anal then you can go all out touch less wash. If you are less anal then go with two bucket system. And drive through car wash if you are like a meh type of person that thinks it is just a car.

Love his quickness when he was slimmer

At the end of the day, it is all business.

He is a nice kid. But he didn't quite improve to the level the Knicks need him to be at to be a comfortable back up let alone 3rd string

Bummer, sentry mode on for sure. Good to know that it was a Long Range Quicksilver tho cause wouldn't have known.

How about this? Game 1 at higher seed court. The winner continues with the home court and continues until they lose.