Sometimes, absolutely.

Keep it varied, but usually pretty succinct. Every so often it'd be cool to hear a player go on a bit of a song.

Don't worry about the quality; the only thing I would hope for at your table is you show effort and are thoughtful of the table.

There's something you can do about that

It's a video game. Move on to something else. If you really can't and feel you're addicted, see a professional. You really think you're addicted?

As an adult, family are the people who love you, respect you, celebrate your victories, and empathize with your defeats. It's not determined blood.

Respectful. To your pet. Who is fluent in English.

Yep, 10th dentist material.


Your boyfriend looks at women in skirts and wants to eff them. Most guys don't think that way.

I think Clarence Thomas is a piece of shit, but really just a small piece of a much bigger problem.

That's the trick. I'm not either, but these apps will ping the shit out of me because THEY think they are important

I see your reasoning and would use this argument about many things, but the posts on this sub, including this one, tell me many people do not have fun while playing Overwatch, at least not regularly.

:franchise: Franchise Enthusiast

How the cap progresses and ai cap/roster management suck

Way too many people play for reasons other than fun

I had to get a new laptop to run Baldurs gate 3

I'm guessing it's a play on "Jeez Louise"

You ARE the union.

I'm not gonna blame you or pretend you're in control (I imagine your union has been present at your job for far longer than you have) but effort from members is how the union grows and becomes stronger. Could you find just a couple others who are interested too? There is a small core of people, about 5, plus our union rep, at our 400 person site (about 4,000 strong at all our locations) and we do the majority of the work, but have people who assist in all types of capacity. If your rep sucks, escalate it up the chain. It's taken some years to build the culture and commitment (a group WhatsApp chat to inform and educate members, wearing union colors on a specific say of the week, monthly contract clinics we do at two times throughout the day to avail ourselves to all our members (24hr locations), but we've come a long way. This is organizing. You could at least learn the ropes. If you ever left and found a new union position, you wouldn't be starting at ground zero. More importantly, however, you develop the skills to learn about, enforce, and eventually negotiate for better conditions.

To answer your question directly: Yes, I would join.

Me and girlfriend do since we moved I'm together and are planning long term plans

Girl he ain't gonna change until he decides to change.

-An Alcoholic

Did you change your post? I didn't say you didn't lose control. I said I don't think the majority of alcoholism is because others PREFER to lose control

I get it. I've been trying to different drinks, specifically stuff with a bite, like ginger beer or kombucha. Neither one of them quite scratch that itch (because, duh, their nonalcoholic) but they definitely get me like 85% of the way there, crashing on the couch after a long, hot Thursday or Friday of work.

I really don't think it's about "preferring to being in control of [yourself]." That would imply, conversely, that people love alcohol because they feel put of control and that... doesn't track.

Your tip sucks, and your attitude sucks far more.

"No, I don't feel comfortable doing that."

"But what about..."

"Nah, man. I'm not comfortable."

"But what..."

"Man, NO."

"But what abo..."

"You asked. I thought about it. Now I've said 'no' three times. Stop."