For those with a Vision Pro, it’s compatible and runs beautifully. I fell off the game a while ago (originally on my iPad) but picked it back up and finished the game on my Vision Pro. On a beautiful giant IMAX-sized screen. So fun!

I don’t know either of them but important to know that a prenup is not a yes or no situation. It’s a premarital agreement to amend a marriage contract. Any number of terms can be in there; they’re not all the same. It could have stalled for reasons other than “he wants her money.”

Depends on the rendering engine, but in many cases it would not.

1080p mode has a couple different settings but by default it fills the entire screen with no black bars. So every 2x2 pixel block in 4k corresponds to one pixel in 1080p. The result is that it’s less sharp/overall reduced image clarity. You can sit further away to remedy this a bit but I prefer 4k @ 240hz.


I have the new LG OLED with dual mode 4k 240hz / 1080p 480hz

Before that I had a 4k 144hz IPS. I think 240hz is great for me in OW competitive. I tried 480hz for a while and it’s nice, but it’s not worth the trade off for me running high resolution.

60hz to 120hz is a game changer. 144hz is nice too. The bump to 240hz is noticeable, but then going further to 480hz was so incremental to me that I’d rather have the fidelity of the image.

I don't think the monitor selectively decided to spare the pixels that display the crisp UI elements (ie non-3D) on your screen.

Before you sent it into service, did you try other devices? Or even, what does your Windows desktop look like?

How’d you arrive here based on this post? A team of 60 working on a title like this isn’t crazy.


I have the LG and I love it. The blacks are amazing. I don’t have any problems with color or saturation but I do believe the QD-OLEDs are better there.

My home office gets a lot of light even with shades down (they’re not fully black-out for aesthetic reasons) so if I wanted fully controlled darkness I’d have to wait until like 8pm. The LG looks awesome with full light and darkness.

It’ll get questions like this wrong consistently unless you prompt it based on how you understand the way it thinks.

Here’s GPT-4o getting it correct immediately.

Nice job, really sweet trailer. I especially love the opening visor graphic.

Having a lot of fun with your game, hope the launch has been going well!

It’s probably not a great initial response since the context wasn’t set yet. Use it if it somehow gets conversational:

  • No drink tonight?

  • Nah I actually stopped

  • Oh cool. Why’s that? You were such a huge drinker before

  • Yup, too good actually. I went pro and then retired early


No one took the post seriously. It was just stupid. If the track was actually for sale for that price, then this would have been a fun, silly post. But you misunderstood something, someone corrected, and you are now are flailing on the internet.

It didn’t occur to me whether or not you cared about opinions from internet strangers, but now I’m pretty sure you do


You don’t speak universally for people. The world is more sophisticated than you give us credit for. Do you react to a book on Japan and wonder out loud if it’s just about anime? You see a Chinese cuisine cookbook and think that it’s all fried rice? You are a caricature of what lazy media thinks an average person is and you don’t even see that.

edit: bro responded and blocked. Classic panties in a bunch retort; unimaginative, cliched, and outdated, just like you

Well no, I don’t share your view. Many people don’t. The catastrophic end of something is an important but not the sole thing about that thing. JFK is not only remembered for how he was assassinated.

Depends how old you are and where you come from, I suppose.

Objectively good is a wild thing to say about an entertainment product. It was an objectively high quality production with a nice and polished release, you could argue.

I played AW2 and I appreciate so much about it. It deserves its accolades. But it took me a long time to complete because I didn’t find it very fun or engaging. Nothing wrong with the game but that’s just my taste.

Would you like to reread and try again? I responded to a comment questioning why a series about the Challenger and Sally Ride needs to exist just to re-traumatize the world. That’s certainly diminishing everything else about them.

To use your analogy, it’d be like reacting to an upcoming series about the construction of the WTC, and someone saying that we don’t need to keep retreading the events of 9/11.


She sure was. So then you do know there’s a lot to the story and her story and the triumphs involved outside of a traumatic event.

The article mentions what this production will be about, based on a book which “tells the story of a group that was called by their predecessors ‘The F*cking New Guys,’ as NASA sought to diversify its pilots and crew for the space shuttle program. Ride was the first woman and the first member of the LGBTQ+ community to fly into space. Also in that program was the first Black and Asian American astronauts, and a married couple. They passed all the rigorous tests to become top of the class, and egos, ambition and romance were part of the cultural clash. They were also quite brilliant.”

But you dismissed it as just something about when the thing blew up.

Lil bro is now like 47 years old and couldn’t be bothered to google Sally Ride before making a disrespectfully wrong comment

The Challenger completed nine space missions. It didn’t just exist to blow up for that one time you remembered its name. Shame on you for being old enough to see this live and not even knowing who Sally Ride is.

That’s an odd, small minded dichotomy that you’re putting out there. I don’t need to wait 5 years to know that I am not a trend chaser. And who says there’s a boat to miss? Some things just are and don’t need to be conflated with making market bets.

Over 300fps in Overwatch 2 using DLSS and 4090

UX seems to be the model number for some (all? I don’t know) European markets. My guess is that it’s the same monitor with maybe slightly different certifications/standards or something related to power delivery.

The -B just means that it’s black. They don’t offer other colors as far as I know, but that’s typical LG naming convention here. I also have an LG monitor that ends in -W and it has a white housing.


I doubt that you are in any meaningful way if you’re putting AI and NFTs in the same conceptual bucket. Note that I didn’t mention crypto even once yet you somehow are using that to imply that I am some trend chaser. Think for yourself.


Hard disagree. I’m personally very involved with the software industry (Bay Area and globally) and I don’t have any AI angle to push besides noting what I’m experiencing and seeing first hand.