I've noticed this happens when the auto engine shutoff is on. When its off I have never lost audio but when its on I do.

You definitely arenā€™t alone. This disease is like a light switch for some of us.

I would still get a lawyer to make sure this was all done appropriately. Youā€™re dealing with a large amount of money here.

You may want to get a lawyer and see what legal actions you have at this point. The company that did the shity install is the one who hired the arbitrator? That is sketchy on many levels.

I donā€™t think we ever will. We are wired to kill each other based on a genetic evolution study in 2016. I think it said we are 6-7 times higher then the average mammal to kill each other.

Looks like a Laguiole but not positive.

I didn't think it was B, I said I think A is the correct choice. I asked this question to rule out B or maybe another scenario I couldn't think of. I appreciate the feedback but I don't need a professional to install it.

Where should I start?

I am going to put laminate flooring in the green area. Where would you start, A or B or another corner? I was thinking A. The flooring will run in the direction of the arrow. Thank you for the help!



Good game. Hopefully this helps his confidence moving forward. Now we just need Castyā€¦

It has definitely changed in this new test. They either removed the gatcha machine or itā€™s been pushed to another part of the story. The story in the first zone has been changed.

Iā€™ve been looking at the Kizer Veratas. It looks great and I canā€™t find any negative reviews about it. 5 years later for you, how has your Kizer held up?

Thats next my friend... maybe lol

It doesnā€™t for me. How easy could terrorists get in a ship like that and ram a bridge. Not saying thatā€™s what happened here but itā€™s scary to think about.

He may be but what should we do? Let Russia continue on what ever path they want to pick? Ask them nicely to stop? Roll over and say you got us, you win Russia? The last thing I want to see is WW3 but WTF are we supposed to do?

They were restoring realms for people. Did you submit a ticket?

Do you realize that OneDrive is also used for your Outlook (email) storage? Multiple people have said this but you don't comment on it. Do you understand what this means?

10000000% agree about Slack. We just transitioned from Slack to Teams and I am not a fan.

Why donā€™t you share why OP? Maybe you did something wrong. Maybe OneDrive is to blame. Maybe someone can help you.